the-widow-maker Posted April 14, 2001 I was just wondering what type of music should be in D3- either creepy shit like in quake or rock type stuff as in q2/q3. I'm not sure that a mixture of the two would work since it would fuck up the carefully set up atmosphere if you did this- nor should they move onto fast paced action music as soon as you encountered an enemy: this would become annoying very quickly. Oh and the chaingun, in my opinion, should either be scraped or made to fire a HELL (no pun intended) of a lot faster. It really annoyed me when I first picked it up-expecting a barrage of bullets-to find it was only like firing two pistols at the same time. I was thinking more like the minigun in avp-rounds less powerful than the pistol (so probably using different, lower calibre rounds) and firing around 6000 per minute. I also don't think that there should be any secondary firing modes- it just seems so un-doom and lets face it Id games hardly require any strategic finesse, although it might be cool if missiles could lock on, doing so more quickly the bigger the enemy. How about jumping??? I reckon they should include it, as was stupid the way a 3 foot wall can prevent you from going over, which is why I think that a climbing feature should also be implemented like in Turok (the plasma gun should be copied off that game too-it was miles better than the doom one-looked and sounded better. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted April 14, 2001 the-widow-maker said:How about jumping??? I reckon they should include it Is this a joke? Why the hell should there be no jumping?! Music: difficult topic. I want at least listen to some remixed original Doom tunes. And no oldfashioned Heavy Metal please... Secondary fire modes: It can be a lot more fun with secondary fire, if it´s making sense. For a gatling gun I can´t really think of a 2nd fire mode, for example. And forget about the Turok plasma gun... 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 14, 2001 Thats the point-I said there SHOULD be jumping. And the turok plasma gun was cool, why don't you like it?? 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted April 14, 2001 Of course there should be jumping and I´m also 99,99 % sure there WILL be jumping in Doom3 :) ...we can also discuss if there should be free mosuelook, or footstep sounds... I don´t dislike the Turok plasma gun, but the style of the one and only Doom plasma rifle was just the best. We already discussed this 2 days ago. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest TheEternalVile Posted April 14, 2001 Tetzlaff said:I don´t dislike the Turok plasma gun, but the style of the one and only Doom plasma rifle was just the best..... Yeah turoks Looked ok but it Bounced around like a Monkey having sex with it shot little balls of energy that hardly did anything. 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 14, 2001 Tetzlaff said:Of course there should be jumping and I´m also 99,99 % sure there WILL be jumping in Doom3 :) ...we can also discuss if there should be free mosuelook, or footstep sounds... I don´t dislike the Turok plasma gun, but the style of the one and only Doom plasma rifle was just the best. We already discussed this 2 days ago. No way man! the doom plasma rifle looked like a log fer christ sakes, the turok one was infinately better- shiny chrome, futuristic, cooler looking plasma bolts and nicer sound effects. 0 Share this post Link to post
Davidoom Posted April 14, 2001 TheEternalVile said:Yeah turoks Looked ok but it Bounced around like a Monkey having sex with it shot little balls of energy that hardly did anything. ooooh thats nice....nice. 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted April 14, 2001 Oh god no, PLEASE don't start the music topic up again :) 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 14, 2001 Hmph, here you go and I know you'll hate it. The pistol will mostly likely shoot either 9mm, 10mm, or .45 ACP rounds. Those are all real ammunitions that have strong military use today and id isn't known for great weapon ingenuity so they'll probably stick with what's already around. Pistol rounds are MUCH shorter than rifle rounds. 9mm is definitely smaller than 5.56, however, a rifle round is usally three to ten times longer. All the extra powder equals penetration. A 5.56 (M16A1/M4A1) rifle round will go end-over-end in a human body and leave a rather huge hole out the other end. A 7.62 NATO (AK-47/M41) isn't much for exit wounds, it just usually blows gigantic holes in the body and limbs right off. (Beretta) 9mm, slow rate of fire = barely anything (Minigun) 5.56, 3000 rpm = pure blazing death (Mounted Minigun) 7.62, 3000 rpm = literally cut down a CITY* *Seriously, that's what they do with these Goddamn things. Yikes. I say FUCK IT, make the chaingun a fully fledged minigun that will DEVOUR anything in front of it in a hardcore blaze of death. The only drawback? You can't aim it nearly as well as any other weapon in the game... well, that and it will eat up it's ammo very quickly. =) Okay okay, the pistol in Duke Nukem did more damage per hit to compensate for the firing rates... but still, there are other ways to balance these weapons than just nerfing firing rates or damage. Only being able to tilt it to a max of 30 vertical degrees either way would SERIOUSLY limit it's usefulness... 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 15, 2001 Ok, but what about the plasma rifles!!! I thought miniguns fire at like 6000 rounds per minute, oh well. The pistol in duke nukem was dumb-you hold down fire and its like a fucking machine gun. I think that in doom 3, weapons and ammo are given realistic weights, and as you become more encumbured, both your speed and turning slow. Of course you could opt to drop weapons that are less useful, or even deploy them as sentinels (like the chaingun for instance-too many imps etc? set it up and stand back until it runs out of ammo, or the imps destroy it) With miniguns, you don't really want to aim-its hardly a snipers weapon, and when you fire with it you should be forced either to remain stationary-like avp, or to move much slower. The plasma firle and bfg should be merged- like that gun in duke nukem 64, you can rapid fire it, or charge it for a much more powerful shot, which guzzles ammo as you charge. I was also wondering how psychology should feature in the game, like would a heavily wounded imp try to flee, and then rally when he saw some more imps etc, or is that just stoopid, since in hell, every thing is as tuff as nails and even thje lowliest of daemons will fight until it dies/is recycled. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 15, 2001 "The pistol in duke nukem was dumb-you hold down fire and its like a fucking machine gun." It was the BEST long-distance weapon, hands down. I remember in L.A. Rumble my DM bud was pissing Devastator rockets at me like a dumbass and I kept running backwards. Three clips later he was dead and he STILL doesn't know why... that pistol HARDLY ever misses. =) "I think that in doom 3, weapons and ammo are given realistic weights, and as you become more encumbured, both your speed and turning slow." If so they should be controllable like SoF and outright disabled for multiplay. "With miniguns, you don't really want to aim-its hardly a snipers weapon, and when you fire with it you should be forced either to remain stationary-like avp, or to move much slower." I'll take ease-of-use nerfing over power nerfing anyday. "The plasma firle and bfg should be merged- like that gun in duke nukem 64, you can rapid fire it, or charge it for a much more powerful shot, which guzzles ammo as you charge." Nah, I don't think so. Being able to upgrade the weapon as you go along (sorta like the Dispersion pistol from Unreal) seems like a better way to go for me. You should be able to control how many cells the BFG eats, though. As for enemies, no cowering. They can seek cover so long as they return fire, and they should NEVER run away. THEY'RE DEMONS FROM HELL YOU KNOW. 0 Share this post Link to post
Necromancer Posted April 15, 2001 Okaaaayyyy . . . I thought this was just a music thread, but anyway . . . You want a cool music concept? Listen to something by Apocalyptica. It's a blend of classical and heavy metal, and can be made to sound very creepy. ---------------- 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted April 15, 2001 Bobby Prince should make the music. He is the man who can. And BTW, the minigun fires 1200 bullets per minute, that's 20 per second. 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 15, 2001 Shaviro said:Bobby Prince should make the music. He is the man who can. And BTW, the minigun fires 1200 bullets per minute, that's 20 per second. I'm sorry, you are just wrong. Machine guns used in WW1 fired 10 rounds a second, so I really doubt that, 90 years later, the best we can do is 20, even with 6 barrels. No, I even looked this up- miniguns mounted on helicopter gunships fire upwards of 4500 rounds per minute, some even reaching 6000. So minguns do fire at these rates. anyway moanth, use your BRAIN!!! just looking at them makes it difficult to believe they fire that slowly. In avp the minigun there was ripped out of predator, and in the game it fires about 100 a sec, play the game and you should get an idea of what a minigun really is. 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted April 15, 2001 I can think of multiple bands for the sound track of Doom3, however I think Sonic Mayhem are doing it, Last time I was on their page they announced that they were doing the music for an Up and Coming Block Buster........ However, My choices are: The Guy who did the music in American Mgee's Alice. I think his name is Chris Vrenna. (He is Ex-NIN isn't he?) Rammstein: They do some pretty good stuff. AC/DC: Seriously, they can do that style of music & a fair bit of their songs are about Hell. And Finally but not even remotely seriously: Britney Spears!!!! J/K HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted April 15, 2001 the-widow-maker said:I'm sorry, you are just wrong. Machine guns used in WW1 fired 10 rounds a second, so I really doubt that, 90 years later, the best we can do is 20, even with 6 barrels. No, I even looked this up- miniguns mounted on helicopter gunships fire upwards of 4500 rounds per minute, some even reaching 6000. So minguns do fire at these rates. anyway moanth, use your BRAIN!!! just looking at them makes it difficult to believe they fire that slowly. In avp the minigun there was ripped out of predator, and in the game it fires about 100 a sec, play the game and you should get an idea of what a minigun really is. Take a look at this: "134 7.62mm Machine Gun (1962-1975). The M134 "minigun" (Air Force GAU-2B/A) is a high rate of fire machine gun that uses the Gatling principle. The firing rate is selectable at 2,000 spm or 4,000 spm. The M134 was used...." Ok. I's more than 20 shots per sec. It's somewhere bewteen 33 and 66. And BTW, the minigun only shoots the the TOP BARREL, not all six. And it only rotates so it can cool. And please behave some other time! 0 Share this post Link to post
the-widow-maker Posted April 15, 2001 I know it only fires at the top barrel-it would be impossible to chain feed the ammo to all six. some miniguns have been designed to fire at 6000 spm. miniguns are my all time fav weapon- go to and check out the pics if you are interested by this sort of thing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 15, 2001 Shaviro said:When does that contest end? Too soon. (next weekend) 0 Share this post Link to post
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