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a none too serious doom 3 post


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i was wondering if there will be a catchy little phrase after the title of the game, like, "doom 3: revenge of the ball shit snakes" or something...personallly i think it'll just be called doom 3. but just for laughs, toss out some sugestions in case id is reading...:)

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No, he should call it "John Carmack presents John Carmack's JOHN CARMACK".

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Lüt said:

No, he should call it "John Carmack presents John Carmack's JOHN CARMACK".


Doom 3: Kill em' all.

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Doom 3: This time, it's personal
Doom 3: This time, it's public
Doom 3: Kills bugs dead
Doom 3: We love to see you smile
Doom 3: In the land of burgers, the flame broiled shotgun is king
Doom 3: Find the red keycard
Doom 3: Beyond Heretic
Doom 3 Arena
Doom 3 Team Arena
Doom 3 Fortress
Doom 3 Atomic Edition
Doom 3: Evolutions a bitch
Doom 3: Revenge on ice
Doom 3: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Doom 3: All Hell Breaks Loose
Doom 3: Dante's Inferno
Doom 3: L. Ron Hubbard is a fucking jackass
Doom 3 vs Marvel vs Capcom vs SNK vs DC vs The World
Doom 3: You can't hide
Doom 3: You can only run
Doom 3: Might as well just off yourself now and save us the trouble
Doom 3: Even God can't save you now
Doom 3: Even God can't afford the video card to run this game
Doom 3: When will your laxitive kick in?
Doom 3: Do the Dew
Doom 3: Find the blue keycard
Quake 4: No Single Player and now no Multiplayer either
Quake 4: The video card benchmarking standard
Quake 4: Just wait until Raven gets a hold of this
Doom 3: Keen's Revenge
Doom 3: Hail To The King
Doom 3: Revelations
Doom 3: Chronicles of Time
Doom 3: Survival Horror
Doom 3: Absence of Lightmaps
Doom 3: You automatically suck if you don't own this
Doom 3: Internet Relay Chat
Doom 3: |)00|\/| |||
Doom 3: The sanest place is behind a trigger
Doom 3: The ultimate experience in grueling terror
Doom 3: The rabbit's revenge
Doom 3: Go Cows!
Doom 3: Find the green keycard
Doom 3: Sometimes they come back
Doom 3: The Fast And The Dead
Doom 3: nVidia's Wet Dream
Doom 3: Find the orange keycard
Doom 3: Find the yellow keycard
Doom 3: Find the goldenrod keycard
Doom 3: Find the black keycard
Doom 3: Find the white keycard
Doom 3: Now find them again


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I was thinking either:

or my favourite

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|]00|\/| 3: ph33r 7h3 l337 h@><0rZ!
Doom 3: Republican's Choice
Doom 3: Hissy Returns

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Guest Epistax

Doom 3: Return of the Daemon
Doom 3: My foot still itches
Doom 3: The butler did it
Doom 3: Ride the donkey donkey!

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deadnail said:

Doom 3: Beyond HereticDoom 3 ArenaDoom 3: Even God can't save you nowDoom 3: Even God can't afford the video card to run this gameQuake 4: No Single Player and now no Multiplayer either


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DooM3-When evil Demons get even Evil-er!
DooM3-Don't you wish you could play it?
DooM3-This product in no way implies that it is good to go around filling people full of holes.
DooM3-Right after 2!
DooM3-A bad day in Hell wait, they're all bad!
DooM3-Blame John Romero!
DooM3-Revenge of the Doomguy in Green Combat Armor!
DooM3-Everything's 3D!
DooM3-Who wants to be a DooMer?

A pointless reply to a pointless post...

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Doom 3: Got Doom?
Doom 3: Where do you want to go today? <Hell>
Doom 3: What? Where's 1 & 2?
Doom 3: Quake is dead!
Doom 3: Just when you thought it was safe to buy your kids a PC!
Doom 3: I can't believe it's not Quake!
Doom 3: All your base are belong to us!
Doom 3: Move 'Zig'
Doom 3: Somebody set up us the bomb!
Doom 3: Die, Romero, Die! <Wolfenstein Joke>
Doom 3: God Doom it!
Doom 3: Head like a hole
Doom 3: The Doomward Spiral
Doom 3: Closer to God
Doom 3: System of a Doom
Doom 3: Username not Included
Doom 3: We're out of slogans!

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DooMBoy said:

DooM3-When evil Demons get even Evil-er!
DooM3-Don't you wish you could play it?
DooM3-This product in no way implies that it is good to go around filling people full of holes.
DooM3-Right after 2!
DooM3-A bad day in Hell wait, they're all bad!
DooM3-Blame John Romero!
DooM3-Revenge of the Doomguy in Green Combat Armor!
DooM3-Everything's 3D!
DooM3-Who wants to be a DooMer?

A pointless reply to a pointless post...

Doom3: The game neither you or your friends will ever play
Doom3: He's back
Doom3: No automap
Doom3: Washed out colors
Doom3: Looks too realistic
Doom3: So hard to play you can't even start
Doom3: With less monsters than before
Doom3: Wait until we release 4!
Doom3: Flynn vs. the World!
Doom3: Flynn vs. the Aliens!
Doom3: Flynn vs. Duke Nukem!
Doom3: A reincarnation of quake3
Doom4: We skipped 3

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Guest ikki
Xenoman said:

Maybe, "Doom3: The Final Conflict"

DOOM 3 : a jump boton included!!!!

DOOM 3: how many frags you can do in a second?

DOOM 3: The School of Doom

DOOM 3: we are in broke

DOOM 3 : Reincarnation

DOOM 3: Free Willy



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