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I'm back, somehow...


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If someone here noticed the lack of "first posts" made by the rather annoying and insane poster known as "Zaldron", he should know he´s back from his "Easter´s mini-vacations-with-no-Internet-at-all".

Enough said in 3rd person. I just read throught all the latest posts, only to find a weird fetish with "plasma" topics, a couple of bitching about the lack of DooM news, and a creepy regression to the classic formula "weapon/enemies/level SDK for crappy topics".

Some people may ask, what this has to do with DooM 3? Mmh, how about this one : "The guy who made 6.82% of the DW@DOOM3 forums is back"

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Master of the Universe... you think that´s enough to get a sneak peek at DooM3? Probably not.

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NOOOOOOOOOOO, RUN AWAY! He's gonna Kill us ALL!!!!!

You Left?
Didn't notice.

Welcome Back

What the makes them think your the Master Of The Universe!

Thats ME, NO-One can take my Crown and Get away with it!!!!!
<Thief lurking in background silently walks up and takes crown>
<Me(Suprised)\ He GOT AWAY with it!>

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No Internet?!?! How terrible! What did you do for fun? Did you...*gasp*....read a BOOK to pass the time? Oh, the horror!!

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Yay! Everyone is returning! Now all we need is Username...hehe. I was wondering where you were, but I didn't get worried enough to send a search party.

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Zaldron said:

Much, much worse... but posting those things here would get me banned.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Zaldron said:

This is a friggin chocolate crown! WTF!?!

It's Chocolate For Two reasons.

(A) It Looks Good.
(B) It Tastes Good when I get hungry!

But I will have you taking no more crowns you person of type thieving!


Yeah I know it took me a while to reply!
Hope fully no-one will read this.

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