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I return!(again), doom3 stuff, and my MACPACK


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Once again, I have returned, and I ain't gonna disappear for another 2 weeks like i did before.

But thru all the time of my absense I have been working on a big compilation of stuff called the MACPACK (I know that name sucks but I am a lazy ass0rz when it comes to thinking), which is a compilation of doom64 sprites (no monster sprites yet), mp3 music replacements, and a sound wad which uses esco's doom64 sounds and some of my own sounds for different other things with a SNDINFO file, so all the sounds have their own sound almost except for the arachnotron pain sound, and all of this is updated for use with zdoom beta 24.

I'm gonna ask elbryan42 if I can upload all my stuff on his ftp and/or zip it all up in one bigass file and put it in newstuff.

Now for the doom3 stuff:

You know how in every single quake game (other games out there may have this too but FNord it all anywayz) if you stand on a.... lets say somthing like a giant gear on it's side (a func_train if you will) that as it turns around it doesn't turn you around like it should, it just has you standing totally facing the way you were, and another example is in quake3 (ex. the space ctf map) where you are on that floating platform up by the bfg, you shoot your shotgun and the shells fall on the platform, but as it moves to the one side the ejected shells somehow defy the laws of gravity, physics, ETC. and don't even stay on the platform where they fell but they remain in the air exactly where they fell on the platform, but in the air. And that just doesn't make any sense.

Somehow I hope with the new model system they are using they can somehow incorporate this into the engine, Zaldron can probably sum it up better than I can but I hope you guys get what I mean.


/me plugs the coffee maker back in and pours in a fresh new bag of yellowriver coffee

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Yay! The coffee´s back!!

/me drinks a cup full of Mac´s coffee.

/me feels dizzy.

Damn, this thing kicks hard... Anyway. Glad to have you back *for real* this time, Mac. Long live the mighty newbie basher!

PS : About the physics. Yeah, most brush/model interactions in today´s engines are really lame. Just a few simple equations of Mechanic, combined with the Newton´s Laws would give us an effective and beatiful physics engine. Now that the renderer is almost fully integrated into the GPU, we can expect better AI, physics and model animation systems.

Quake 3 had lame physics because no one cared about the position of those shells. But single player games require a superior attention to detail. Im pretty sure this will be included in DooM3.

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/me plugs the coffee maker back in and pours in a fresh new bag of yellowriver coffee

Good coffee... A little heavy on the stomache though.

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Man, you gotta kill the MACVILEPIMP for keeping you away all the time :-) Put me down for a cup of coffee!

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