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ID does it again

Guest Terrordude

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Guest Terrordude

The id-guys making a lots af people nerveus isn't it.
One picture of doom 3 and BOEM the hole fucking underground
is schaking on his grounds. Cool and impressive i think...
Keep on doing that id-guys.
Send in more pics,
I'm Kick on it

oh yei the other pics aren't doom 3 its seems to by a level of unreal i think look at the lights it is the same as in unreal

Tanks ID

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Guest Matt PmRd

actualy your a sick fuck, and those are pics of the lithtech engine

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Guest ikki
danarchist said:

This man isn't making any sense! He must be delerious! BTW, you should use a spell checker.

does ID have any e-mail
where u can send info , question and stuff like that?

nowhere 2 run nowhere to hide

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danarchist said:

This man isn't making any sense! He must be delerious! BTW, you should use a spell checker.

I don't think English was his first language d00d.

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We had *real* pics of the Doom3 beta from the Geforce3 representation, you know? That old pics you are talking about have nothing to do with Doom3.

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Guest Tonx
ikki said:

does ID have any e-mail
where u can send info , question and stuff like that?

nowhere 2 run nowhere to hide

they never answear.. :( I've tried :(

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Guest Cop999

there's still some exceptions though, depends on your luck, bud

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I told the kids at school about it....
they laughed at me 'Oh no not that old game'
My revenge will come. :)

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