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The sound

Guest Terrordude

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Guest Terrordude

I was playing doom 2 today
and I askd myself Why don't have the same music style as doom 1&2 in Doom 3. It is a part of the feeling
To my it play no role witch music they gonna use but i just wondering what you guys think about that ????
I hope on more doom 3 news every day now...
have a nice day guys !!!

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Judging by the atmosphere you can see in the Doom 3 video, I don't think it would fit well...

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I agree completely. They should go for dark, quiet tracks, that only approachs to E1M1 when battles occur. Hell themes are a whole different matter, tough...

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Guest cobainite67

I once posted a long-ass message about the sound when this thing first got started.

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Try to find it and post the link.

The oldest thread in this thing is www.doomworld.com/forums/doom3/thread_closed2.shtml
Go up until you find it.

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I have to say it would be hard to build a sense of tension or paranoia with loud-ass rock muzak in the background.

I actually thought the music in the PSX and N64 versions of Doom had just the right feel for the most part, although a little variety never hurt either, and there might be some faster paced levels later on where more prominant music would be nice.

Speaking of which, some tracks on the AVP music disk work remarkably well while playing in ZDoom or Legacy. =)

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