sirgalahadwizar Posted April 25, 2001 sunshinegoth said: A) I dont think the bfg9000 or the plasma rifle, or even a rocket launcher is a real wepaon (at least rocket luanchers dont take doom's form of them). I dont think a razorjack, flakgun, pulse rifle, AMSD, Redeemer, or Rocket launcher in the sense that UT portrays them are real weapons. B) I have never played HL or any game related to it (like counterstrike). It's just not my style of gaming. C) I dont remember doom allowing you to mlook and aim at an enemie's head and kill them with one shot - or the heart for that matter. Even at point blank range sometimes it took up to 3 shots to kill a trooper with your pistol. Shotguns will not go through hordes of troopers in real life like they do in doom. D) Guns in doom do not have relaistic function. I dont remember having to reload the pistol or for that matter the regular shotgun either, and the double shotgun took way too little time to reload. In real life you could fire the pistol much faster thna in the game, in rela life you would ahve to reload your shotgun after every 4-8 shots. In real life you wouldnt be able to fire the chaingun because it would require a mount, the rocket launcher would be single-shot and shoudler mounted, and "energy" weapons dont exist yet the last time I checked. E) Loud bangs, and recoil has everything to do with it - esp. if you have never actually fired a gun before (or something measily like a .22LR like me). And btw, targets are much harder to hit in real life than they are in games. F) No, I havent ever played soldier of fortune - for the same reason I ahven't played quake3. Not that I would play it anyway because I don't like the game Sof - I don't like the weapons layout and I dont like locational damage (makes it more like a simulator than a "game", which defeats the purpose of playing it in the first place - to escape from reality for a little bit). 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted April 25, 2001 Zaldron said:I think the only reason why FPSs teach somehow to handle weapons is more based on eye-hand coordination improvement than actual gun wisdom. I took a course on weapon handling for a year, and I pretty much suck with rifles. In fact I was astonished while realizing how complex is the firing process. You never get that feel on games. FPSs don´t teach too much. The only thing I can rescue is the basics of weapon reloading, and a general idea on hows a weapon carried/aimed. People fond of war movies have by far more wisdom regarding weapon usage, while FPSs players have eye-hand coord. A gamer could be better in firing/aiming than a no-gamer, but what´s the point? The point of discussion is not "games teach to use fireguns", is "games teach to murder". This has absolutely no sense. If a kid´s screwed enough to actually try to kill people, it won´t matter if he has an M4 or a stick with a nail, he´ll do it... Gotta point there, weapons are weapons are weapons. Playing a FPS game might increase your reaction time, target aqquisition skill and hand-eye coordination, but I doubt it will increase your effectiveness at fighting up close to anything - or hitting anything beyond 50m away. It pretty much only teaches you to react fast to approching enemies and blow holes in them - not necciscarily blow holes in specific parts of them. Even if they ban guns - which seems to be what is happening, People will only resort to knives, swords, and a host of other weapons that are potentially more lethal than firearms. ===== Now to sound like im insane: The guys who assaulted columbine did a really crappy job of preparing. I would ahve used an m-14 instead of a shotgun or an assualt rifle. I would have brought 200+ rounds for it and left another 200+ rounds in my locker on a previous day. Reasons are because If you are hit by 7.62mm rounds it has pretty much the same effect on you as a shotgun blast in the first place - emt's don't know exactly how to treat high velocity bullet wounds because they can essentially blow an appendage off even if you dont get a lethal shot in (ie, still lethal because they bleed to death and it can't be fixed). Plus an m-14 can carry up to 30 shots per clip, and one shot will go through 2-3 people (for crowd purposes). If you let loose full-auto or even semi-auto on a crowd you are assured to kill at least 50 people - because they will be dead by the time the emergency crews get them stabilized. And another thing - you never use gasoline for bombs, you use high-explosive when able or gunpowder if you have to. Pipe bombs are only really good to use when you can trigger them to blow up when you want them to. This is so that when you start firing your weapon in an enclosed space (like a library) and people start running, you blow up the exits to the building when the most people are leaving - this kills another 100 people easy. To protect yourself from the police, you need body armor - esp. something that will protect your head (because they will start doing head-shots when you start killing them). Either shoot a police man several times or do a headshot because ther bullet-proof vest may slow down the rifle bullets enough to keep them from sure death (and dont even think about using a pistol on them). ===end of insanity=== (any above information was formulated during a simple brainstorm, and was in no way, in the present or the future intended as a plan to kill civilan or law enforcement officers. I am not insane, and the above info was meant as a tactical suppliment for an imagined scenario). 0 Share this post Link to post
Don Incognito Posted April 26, 2001 I rate this news article with a.... SCREW YOU FAGS! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Epistax Posted April 26, 2001 Video games might cause some kids to feel themselvs more familiar with firearms or situations than they actually are. As someone else mentioned, something as simple as avoiding things like aimed head shots, draws a thicker line between reality and games. It is very hard to say though. There is no reason that people should be denied a total killing thingy- it would just be a very good game. However some people will take it wrongly. What to do! 0 Share this post Link to post
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