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g-zus a doom 3 topic! woo hoo!!


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ok. u know when you shoot an enemy from far away with a rocket, he just stands there while the rocket hits him. yah i know they dont just stand there they run towards you. any ways, WHY THE FUCK DONT THEY DODGE THE FUCKING THINGS THAT ARE SHOT AT THEM??? they just get hit. its like they are blind and dont see it but the can tell where you are. they shold have a system for monsters like that in doom3

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Projectile dodging? It has been implemented in almost ANY FPS so far. True, it´s still not entirely effective, since they just tend to roll a little to a random direction.

But, anyway, this feature isn´t anything revolutionary, it has been implemented on ROTT and Heretic.

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in SoF the enemies kinda rolled and dodged a little, but not too much, i suppose...it would be cool if they were a little tougher to hit.

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Guest Clone999
Davidoom said:

Well I don't know about that, I mean I've never had a rocket shot at me so I can't say...

What a dumbass topic. DO YOU KNOW HOW FAST A FLAME PROPELLED MISSLE GOES?!! They shouldn't have TIME to escape the damn thing.
Shit, I would understand them dodging a pistol or a rifle(not a shotgun, because they launch buckshot). It would be pretty cool if there was some new enemie in Doom3 that COULD dodge a missle, and so you need a BFG ore something.

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Yeah, because a real rocket can be propelled to almost bullet-like speeds.

The attack dodging that those one guys did in ROTT sucked, they would flip-flop trying to dodge your machinegun and you would just sit there shooting them.

I dont recall heretic having attack dodging, maybe hexen if you are talking aobut those annoying fire demons (but I think it wasn't actually dodging, but rather a strafing motion they did while firing).

Quake2 definatly has attack dodging (take a gander at why its so hard to shoot a berserker with a grenade - he hops over it!).

Technicially, you stand less of a chance of doding a bullet than a rocket because you can't see a bullet coming (unless its a tracer or armor piercing round). Forget doding a shotgun blast - prolly one of the hardest things to dodge (even distance has a hard time saving you).

The best way to dodge a bullet is to move right before they trigger the gun to fire - because they wont have time to react to your movement.

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sirgalahadwizar said:

The best way to dodge a bullet is to move right before they trigger the gun to fire - because they wont have time to react to your movement

"What are you saying... that I can... dodge bullets ?"
"No, Neo. I'm telling you that when you're ready, you won't have to."

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sirgalahadwizar said:

Yeah, because a real rocket can be propelled to almost bullet-like speeds.

The attack dodging that those one guys did in ROTT sucked, they would flip-flop trying to dodge your machinegun and you would just sit there shooting them.

I dont recall heretic having attack dodging, maybe hexen if you are talking aobut those annoying fire demons (but I think it wasn't actually dodging, but rather a strafing motion they did while firing).

Quake2 definatly has attack dodging (take a gander at why its so hard to shoot a berserker with a grenade - he hops over it!).

Technicially, you stand less of a chance of doding a bullet than a rocket because you can't see a bullet coming (unless its a tracer or armor piercing round). Forget doding a shotgun blast - prolly one of the hardest things to dodge (even distance has a hard time saving you).

The best way to dodge a bullet is to move right before they trigger the gun to fire - because they wont have time to react to your movement.

Well, hell, what could you expect on games that old?

I wasn´t talking of dodging rockets, of course. Heck, I want fast projectiles with realistic damage and splash radius. Even the "explosions" in game are wrong, there´s no fire, just a brief flash and lot´s of smoke and flying debris.

Well, yes, there was dodging in Heretic. It wasn´t projectile oriented, but an evasive maneuver the imps did. Not the same one that the Hexen fire imps make, but a "change of flying direction"
thing, not the strafe.
Bullet dodging is ridiculous, but since most demons take a good amount of shots to die, they should at least try to avoid damage when the firts couple of bullets hit them. Possesed humans should try to mantain distance, and escape from your line of fire. After all they´re not stupid, as the "Zombie" term implies.

Every hard to kill enemy should have an AI that actually modifies the data output of the path finding system. I´m sure those chainguns bullets itch as Hell...

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yes, attack dodging has been around for a while.

In Quake 2, gunners would try to duck your rockets, but sometimes this would cause said rockets to hit them in the face =P

I SOF, guys roll in random directions, so that I never know exactly which appendage will come off when I fire.=)

Unreal had possibly the most effective, most commonly used, and most annoying dodging ever. almost every time you fire a rocket or other non-hitscan weapon the enemy leaps out of the way, which gets kind of old when you're low on ammo.

in any case, as somebody mentioned below, a real rocket travels, well, really FAST, so they're not all that easy to dodge.^__^

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