maga Posted April 24, 2001 hello, doom fans ! I think that Doom 1&2 are the greatest games of all time.... and Doom3 will be better...just one thing bothers me: Will Doom3 be a megashooter (just like Doom 1&2) , or a "5 monstrer per level" shooter ? I look forward for answers bye 0 Share this post Link to post
Speshul Eddy Posted April 24, 2001 not to worry, I'm sure there'll be plenty of mindless carnage to be had ^__^ 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Tonx Posted April 24, 2001 Yeah! Can you imagine DOOM with 5 monsters per level?! And eaven if there is, you can always make a levels for yourself and just feel the pleasure of filling your map with enemies.. Anyway.. I think that there's nothing to afraid of.. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
maga Posted April 24, 2001 Speshul Eddy said:not to worry, I'm sure there'll be plenty of mindless carnage to be had ^__^ yes, but in this case (mass carnage), it will be a "no play" game. I mean, come on, ... you saw all the detailed models... In a situation with 20 imps a normal computer will surely die...(this game will run on something else than GeForce3 ?) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Tonx Posted April 24, 2001 I think that id is not that stupid.. anyway.. like I said -- you can always make a levels for yourself :D 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted April 24, 2001 Of course I have no grounds for this, but I'm guessing at a monster quantity comparable to Quake 2. Plenty of critters, but nothing ridiculous. 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted April 24, 2001 I would like it to be a megashooter because 5 monsters per level is waaay too easy. hehe, critters, I like that word for some reason. Also, I want the enemies to be as easy to shoot as they were in doom. Quake 2 was rediculous when it came to shooting, all the monsters had the hit-cross-section of a freaking pencil. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 24, 2001 No, it wont be as packed of enemies as the old DooMs. While every engine in the market allows you to literally place dozens of enemies in screen, the tech powering your machine would die. The only reason why games like Serious Sam makes good framerates with their hundreds of polygonal enemies, is that they use low polycounts, cheap animation systems and LOD. If you check the trailer showing DooM 3 tech, you´ll see that id´s focused on looks, and not speed (contrary to Q3A objectives). Anyway, as it happened with the original DooMs, future tech would allow us to run this engine as smooth as we run today the Quake 1 engine. Most gorefeasts were user made creations, and they aren´t fully vinculated to the feel that id wanted to express on the original DooM. If I had to take a shot, I´ll say we´ll face as much enemies as DooM 1 - Episode 1 on Hurt Me Plenty, with the addition of a killer AI that would give us a real challenge. With the GeForce 3 powering the game, with it´s extensive use of T&L, there´s a lot more of processor to waste on AI calculations, allowing us to make things like team behavior, dodging, taking cover, ambushing, etc. 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted April 24, 2001 Well, I hope it will be a megashooter, 'cos 5 ennemies per room is somewhat boring. But in the same time, I hope not, 'cos the game would become too repetitive IMO. And it will put your PC on its knees because of the resources required to display many high-detailed monsters. Plus the LOD of the environment, blah blah blah...Zaldron already explained that :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 24, 2001 Maybe id should go for a AvP style. Not many at once, but somewhat continuous. It doesn´t allow you to take a breath, it´s fast in the framerate department, and it can be as hard as megashooting. Of course, I don´t want a Nightmare respawning setting to be the standard difficulty, and some levels/sequences with no enemies, just scripted events to enhance the story would be well accepted... 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted April 24, 2001 Yeah, that's it. Never really played AvP tho =) 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted April 24, 2001 I wouldent mind either idea,both . Buthere's my bit.They can make the best of both some areas with hordes and others with five or three etc.One in there and ten in another etc etc. Like half-life or Resident evil (not a shooter,but wait for my saying). Place the enimies in specific areas,dont just put them anywhere youd think it would be silly.Like an imp in a closet?Ive heard of the boogey man but I wouldent want an imp under my bed or closet. 0 Share this post Link to post
maga Posted April 25, 2001 Zaldron said: by the way, can you tell me where to find an interview with Carmack ? I mean a really in-depth one, about Doom3 ? thanks. 0 Share this post Link to post
maga Posted April 25, 2001 Hey, thanks, guys, for your thoughts... I really want the feeling in the Doom games never to change.. it's too powerful and scary to be changed....and the monsters are too well designed to be changed, either. Remember those "Mancubus" or "Revenats"...or "CyberDemons" ? well...see ya... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 25, 2001 maga said:by the way, can you tell me where to find an interview with Carmack ? I mean a really in-depth one, about Doom3 ? thanks. Well, Carmack make few statements on VE some time ago. Official interviews are few and uninformative. Wait for an article I have written for Lord Flathead´s site, wich should be up this wednesday. It´s mostly technical, but it would give you an idea of how the game will look and feel. 0 Share this post Link to post
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