Seven Posted April 29, 2001 One thing that Doom 3 needs is imagination. In every FPS for years (ok with the exception of maybe HL and AvP) you knew what was coming. Enemies were the same as the last FPS you played with slight differences and better graphics. The problem with FPS games is that you know what the enemy is going to basically look like and do. Its going to be roughly your size, be humaniod, and have some sort of fireball or gun as its attacking method. Dont start listing enemies to me because this is just a steriotypical bad guy from the past 10 years of video games. HL was the first game to try to break from the norm, it had enemies that had different skills, some hunted by sound, others had shock waves. HL started the progression to unique bad guys. Developers need to let there imagination go when designing enemies. For starters why do enemies have to be your size? This has bugged me for years, Anyone? Why cant we be fighting creatures twice or three times the size of our beloved hero? Unreal 2 is the only game that I can think of that is trying to genually think up differnet enemies. Take the Striders for example. These little buggers are (on there own) about half your size. But when you come along, they can jump onto each other, attach themselves to each other and become a much larger and smarter enemy, a Strider Villan. Then when you go through a small opening, and the Villan cant follow. The creature breaks down into its smaller, half your size, Striders again. These follow you through the opening. Then reassembles into this huge creature again. Another example from Unreal 2 is the 'N'. These are like sub dimensional things (theres only 3 of them) who travel in time and space. They can make it look like there are hundreds of them in the same room. When you fire at them you only push them out of our reality for a brief moment so you can escape. You cant actually kill them as such. See were i'm going, Legend is trying to make enemies that are differnet. Enemies were you have to change your tactics when facing them. Games designers should take ideas from the movies. Anyone seen Aliens (who hasnt). Were the marines went into the generator room near the beginning of the film and whats her name was outside in the APC and the walls came alive. The aliens were the walls and they attacked from above, the side, everywere. Imagine that scene and imagine your self in it..that would scare you. You wouldnt expect the actual walls to start attacking you and ur team members would you? How about Fready from Nightmare. This is just an example that i came up with. Why do enemies have to be bound by our world physics. Why cant enemies be able to reach through walls and grab you when ur not expecting it. How about a bad guy like the T1000 ??? Fear is the unknown. If you dont know whats comming then you will be afraid. I'm not talking about what human sized fireball firing enemy is coming next, but if every bad guy that has come before has supprised you and scared you. They have been all totally different. Then you will not know were, or how (how is the important word here) the next enemy will come after you and that will scare you. Picture the Blair Witch Project. That worked on not knowing what was out there, what was screwing with your mind by making noises and placing those wooden shapes out side your tent. If you were in those students shoes you would be crapping your self. Why cant Doom 3 do something like that. OMG that would scare the hell out of you. Imagine walking along a corridor. You hear these noises somewere in the distance. The lights suddenly turn off for a split second. When they turn on again the room has changed, boxes have moved and there are these symbols all around you. You know they werent there before so what has put them there. It happens again and this time when the lights turn on all the boxes in the room have changed position again. They are now slowly surrounding happens again and the boxes have moved into a circle around your possition. Where ever you move the boxes follow you (each time the lights turn off / on ) and the noises return getting louder. That would scare you..I say again..fear is the unknown!!!! Unexpected!!!! AvP scared me partly because of the motion detector (great atmosphere generator that) but mainly because you didnt know were the aliens were going to come from. They couldnt just come from infront of you on the ground. They could appear from anywere..a small crack in the roof or a pipe in the wall. was it generated fear. Please iD, I DONT just want variations on the standard demon with a larger fireball. Use your imagination!! Seven 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted April 29, 2001 I agree completely. Though I doubt id would/could implement that kind of 'morphing' enemies (due to technical limitations), it would be cool to have walls or objects transform into enemies. And I love your idea about the rooms getting fucked up... that would indeed be really scary. 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted April 29, 2001 lots of good ideas in this post:) as far as enemy sizes (not enough that are huge) what about the cyber demon? he was a big bastard...or the barons of hell, also large. do you count fighting against vehicles as fighting a larger enemy? some games implement this, but i agree with takes more than just firepower to defeat a big guy (sometimes the old hit and run strategy) and that adds to the game significantly. lastly, i've always thought that there were many doom like elements in the aliens they are just plain cool 0 Share this post Link to post
Seven Posted April 29, 2001 Ok, the cyber demon is an exception. The barrens of hell may have been slightly larger than you, but they were still humaniod, fireball. I'm bored of the same old bad guy. The same old tactics to defeat it. The same old thing that has been going on in FPS since they were created...I want enemies that you have to think how to defeat, enemies that take you a while to figure out how to kill. Not just walking into a room with a big gun and shooting. How about an enemy that draws its life force from the lights in the room. And is v.v.v.v hard to kill until you figure out that in more well lit areas it is stronger and in less well lit areas it is weaker. So to defeat it you have to knock out all the lights in the room or area. No light, it falls to the ground unconsious. But do you really want to knock out all the lights ??? Things like that... Vehicles are great fun to fight i will aggree but they are more Counter Strike, not Doom. I could think of loads of ideas that would make the player think, and up the fear factor. It just takes a bit of patience and time. I say again..unknown will generate fear Seven 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted April 29, 2001 Seven said:I could think of loads of ideas that would make the player think, and up the fear factor You should send them to id. They're really good. 0 Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted April 29, 2001 Seven said: you have some good ideas, having to think on your feet would up the tension of gameplay. combat with vehicles is not for doom, sorry if it sounded like that was my suggestion, just thinking of examples of fighting larger enemies in fps. i think quicker bad guys with random movements would also up the difficulty of the kill and make it more realistic. i mean, they may be demons, but under heavy fire, who's to say they would not panic and take evasive manuvers? do demons have a sense of self preservation...? 0 Share this post Link to post
Seven Posted April 29, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:I agree completely. Though I doubt id would/could implement that kind of 'morphing' enemies (due to technical limitations), it would be cool to have walls or objects transform into enemies. And I love your idea about the rooms getting fucked up... that would indeed be really scary. Take the Unreal 2 idea for the Striders. I had that idea in my head years ago for a bad guy. I thought of it when I was very young watching Transformers. I dont know why it took so long for a games company to think of it, it really is a great idea for a bad guy if it is implimented correctly. Its an enemy you can't get away from. The usual going through a door or hole in the wall, moving onto the next stage of the game doesnt work because it can follow you. It is always chaseing you. Thats another great way to up the fear factor. Knowing that there is always something following you in the shadows and it could strike at any time. 7 0 Share this post Link to post
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