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Hey! Say, what's this "Doom" game everybody's been yakkin' about?
You'd think it was the coolest thing to hit the U.S. in years!
Bah, I say!
*If any part of this post angers, annoys, or generally makes you temporarily crazy, tough!*

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Quit drinking so much of Mac's coffee then.....

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DooMBoy said:

or generally makes you temporarily crazy

Yeah, I know what you're all thinking, but you're probably missing his subtle humor. This post is actually intended, rather than to point out his stunning idiocy, to make a clear stab at modern society and our mentiality of social interaction. This man is a genius. That brief remark took an unpredictable attack at the hypocritical political system of the United States, undermined authority and delivered a funny yet cynical outlook towards the economic status of the western European world.

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