Lord FlatHead Posted May 3, 2001 Sorry, 95% of you know this already and I know it's been said before, but it really gets on my nerves how some people believe Gamespy's "Doom 3 was dumped" crap. I hate this kind of fake news. First of all, it's not funny. Second, it just serves to embarass people who are naive (or just plain stupid) enough to believe it. So lemme repeat it: DOOM 3 WAS NOT DROPPED. IT'S STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, IT'S GOING TO COME OUT IN A YEAR OR SO AND IT'S GOING TO KICK ASS. Goodnight. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jeremy Posted May 3, 2001 I agree, although, I was one of the stupid people who beleived it at first, lol. Man, I wonder if id will release that Tech Demo.. probly not with the way John Carmack has been talking. Uhg, knowing my luck, there will be a post nuclier war before I ever get to play Doom ]I[ ... 0 Share this post Link to post
Lupe nukem Posted May 3, 2001 LF is rigth, and for the people that dont belive that doom 3 is in devenlopment check this out... If you where idsoftware, and you know that if you bring back doom, the best game ever, (the game that put your company in a higher level in the game industry) dont you think that this will generate more money for you, so that you could buy more beer, or a new car, or some chicks (chicks are cool!!)...it will very nice... this is what carmack is tinking rigth now. DOOM the best, of the best, of the best. 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted May 3, 2001 Jeremy said:I agree, although, I was one of the stupid people who beleived it at first, lol. Man, I wonder if id will release that Tech Demo.. probly not with the way John Carmack has been talking. Uhg, knowing my luck, there will be a post nuclier war before I ever get to play Doom ]I[ ... And I bet we will see at least 3 other nuclear wars before getting our hands on a copy of Duke Nukem Forever =) 0 Share this post Link to post
nightmare imp Posted May 3, 2001 Awsome and to think I believed for a day,well half a day or something like that,at least its coming!Cant wait. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted May 3, 2001 WHY PEOPLE BELIEVES IN THE INTERNET?!?!?!? WHY?!!? 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted May 4, 2001 Yeah, you're right. What confused me about this whole fiasco was that the first MAJOR heading of the article was, And I Quote: Things That We WILL NOT see at E3 this year! Why did only a few people notice that? The Words were 20pt and in BOLD! People obviously Can Not take a joke............so sad. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 4, 2001 Feronth said:3 other nuclear wars What the... ? There was a nuclear war ? Well screw me sideways and call me Joshua. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 4, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:Well screw me sideways and call me Joshua. hhhmmmmmmmmm Joshua......... Ooooooohhhhhhhh... Yeah baby ! 0 Share this post Link to post
Speshul Eddy Posted May 5, 2001 No shit, dude. I mean, after the internal power struggle over whether or not to make another Doom, it seems pretty damn unlikely that they'd just cancel the thing. 0 Share this post Link to post
DiSTuRBeD Posted May 7, 2001 I think it was pretty damn funny. People actually believed that ID, famed creators of scary and violent games would EVER do a barbie dress-up game! LoL! The guys at ID would cry if they had to remove one single shadow from their game. The newbies post and think stupid stuff anyway.. just keep ignoring them :) 0 Share this post Link to post
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