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Favorite Episode

Guest SSK123

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Guest SSK123

Hey, is Doom 3 going to be seperated by episodes? I like Doom better than II because it was in episode formatt. It was better that way... At least I think. Also, what is your favorite episode? Mine is episode II because it kicks @$$! Just wanted to know what people think.

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Episode 1 is my favourite, of course, it's what started it all. I really loved some of the Episode 2 maps as well, though most Episode 3 maps were a bit too weird for me.

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Guest PFCRon
Zaldron said:

Episode I. DooM´s backbone...

I like the whole game. Each episode just gets better and better.

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In terms of concept and imagination: Episode 3

In terms of design and professionalism: Episode 2

I don't really care for Episode 1 at all *yawn* but it was necessary, kinda like the first 10-15 minutes of most action movies, where you gotta meet the characters and set the plot before the action begins.

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By far, I prefer episode 1. It was the lonliest of all the episodes. If nothing more that it's believability that it was once a station that humans were in charge of. You know that something went wrong. In the other episodes you are an interloper, which is fun, but not as immersive.

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Zaldron said:

Episode I. DooM´s backbone...

I concur, but must add that Episode 2 was right on it's heels in terms of playability.

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Ugh... Episode 4 was absolutely aweful. I love Episode 1, even though it's gotten way too easy for me now, it was the first exposure I had to Doom, and I love the Episode 1 level design. Episode 2 is definately good as well, but Episode 3 wasn't as good. I didn't much care foor Doom 2 or Plutonia, either, but Evilution was pretty fun.

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Guest SSK123
Zeratul 982 said:

Episode 2:
The "transformation" from technical bases to hellish anomalies and fortifications.

Yeah, I absolutely hated episode 3. It just wasn't like the other episodes. And the 4th one sucked ass. Episode 3's maps were WAY to weird and by far to satanic. They should have made it more like episode 2. And the music in E3 wasn't as matching as it was like in E1 and E2. E2 was also challenging. That's why I mostly like it. E3 was too easy.

There were some good maps in E3 such as map 4 "The House Of Pain" and map 6 "Forgot it's name". But the rest were just too wierd for me. Especially the secret map which was the weirdest map I have ever seen ID create. Doom 2 was good. But let's just say E3 could have had a little more work put into it.

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deadnail said:

I concur, but must add that Episode 2 was right on it's heels in terms of playability.

Right. E2 has a very distinct feel from the very begginning.

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SSK123 said:

Yeah, I absolutely hated episode 3. It just wasn't like the other episodes. And the 4th one sucked ass. Episode 3's maps were WAY to weird and by far to satanic. They should have made it more like episode 2. And the music in E3 wasn't as matching as it was like in E1 and E2. E2 was also challenging. That's why I mostly like it. E3 was too easy.

There were some good maps in E3 such as map 4 "The House Of Pain" and map 6 "Forgot it's name". But the rest were just too wierd for me. Especially the secret map which was the weirdest map I have ever seen ID create. Doom 2 was good. But let's just say E3 could have had a little more work put into it.

for me it is probably a tie between episode 2 and 3 i loved 2 cuz it was no simple task and like previously mentioned the transition from base to hell was neat. i like episode 3 because whether it was satanic or not some of those levels gave me a sense that i was running in hell and it was noticeably easier than 2 but i enjoyed it...

episode 4 levels ticked me off a bit...i enjoy playing those levels as well but they dont even correspond to the doom story...they're just...there. and i view them as enjoyable levels for nothing more than screwing around

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DoOmEr4LiFe said:

episode 4 levels ticked me off a bit...i enjoy playing those levels as well but they dont even correspond to the doom story...they're just...there.

Just a reminder... Episode 4 is "Hell on Earth" aka Doom 2. "Thy Flesh Consumed" is not part of the main story line.

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geekmarine said:

Ugh... Episode 4 was absolutely aweful. I love Episode 1, even though it's gotten way too easy for me now, it was the first exposure I had to Doom, and I love the Episode 1 level design. Episode 2 is definately good as well, but Episode 3 wasn't as good. I didn't much care foor Doom 2 or Plutonia, either, but Evilution was pretty fun.

E4 is actually my favourite, I guess I just got bored with the other three episodes after playing them again and again.

It's easy to recreate E1/E2/E3 style levels (and make them look better than the originals), but good E4 style levels require serious skill.

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I hope so. My all-time favorite episode for Doom was Episode 1:Knee Deep in the Dead. Shores of Hell was also pretty fun. Inferno was pretty tense and scary, and Thy Flesh Consumed was just plain hard.

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