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The Mummy

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I just got home from watching the Mummy Returns(I wont go into whether I liked it or not) and I counted at least 6 different times where the whoosh sound from the Icon of Sin was used. I thought that it was pretty cool that DooM still lives and most people don't even know it. Just a question, do movies still have to get id's permission to use their sound effects?

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They don't have to ask for their permission. Most of these sounds come from huge databases that you can buy. They're like collections, 25 CDs each.

Watch Discovery Channel for a while, you'll hear most of the monsters sounds in FPSs are animal sounds...

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Sometimes I'm just watching a movie or listening to a song and all of a sudden the elevator sound from Duke3D or something kicks in, and I get these weird flashbacks... It's weird.

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Guest PFCRon

I noticed that too, whenever Alex put on the bracelet and the vison came up. Also I've been told that a camel sound used in The Prince of Egypt is a DIRECT sound used in Doom (one of the zombie die sounds to be exact).

Another thing I noticed was that all the Mancubus appear sound is is a backwards tiger or lion growl/roar. Talk about rip-off!

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that wish sound is everywhere,

magic carpet -the speed boost makes that woosh sound
heard it in many many shows and movies before

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Lord FlatHead said:

Sometimes I'm just watching a movie or listening to a song and all of a sudden the elevator sound from Duke3D or something kicks in, and I get these weird flashbacks... It's weird.


I get the flashbacks too. I've heard sounds from Rocket Jockey (maybe you haven't heard of that game), Doom, Duke 3D, and Quake 1 on TV shows and commercials over the years...

Maybe every sound guy on TV is a doomer at heart =)

or as Zaldron said, most of them just use it from mass public libraries.

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Hey, i bet that water ripple sound you can hear sometimes in The Real World(tm) is ripped from quake!

That sound effect has been around in movies and stuff long before doom. But i have to admit, the one from the Mummy reminded me of doom :)

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