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Doom2 versus Doom3

Guest Terrordude

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Guest Terrordude

Will doom3 be as fun as doom2 ???
I hope so,because in some levels om doom2 I just look to da world
how great it is build an how that they come an those things
Its so a wonderfull and great world; DOOM. I have the hole quake serie to and also that is great and nice. but the world that doom gives me!! damm, No game can beat that no game can beat that feeling. I have also unreal and sof and they are nice games no negative thing tot say but the feeling isn't in those games that i feel in doom/doom2. I think that rtcw (return to castle wolfenstein) wil come a littel closer than other games like unreal of sof.beacause also there is the game based on ID software, yes i know that they don't build rtcw but i think that is gonne be a very nice game. but the biggest game I hope will doom 3.

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Guest Dave

I love the Half-Life feeling if that's what you mean but Doom 2 is just great.

Hmmm I know what you mean but Id Software won't suprise me, I'm expecting the usual 100% PURE CLASS gameplay from Id.

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I just hope that the multiplayer (if it's included) will be as fun as Doom II multiplayer.

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Well, just take a look at the movie. At least they're putting an ENORMOUS amount of effort on this one, while DooM2 was just more of the same...

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They cancelled doom 3.. They are working on a barbie game.
Don't you read the news.

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Well, I think it's a safe bet that it'll be at least as good as Doom 2 from a gameplay standpoint.

On the technical side of things......no comparison =)

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Guest Dave
Dashiva said:

They cancelled doom 3.. They are working on a barbie game.
Don't you read the news.


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Dashiva said:

They cancelled doom 3.. They are working on a barbie game.
Don't you read the news.

look, I know you were really hyped about the new Barbie game, but you'll get over it...somehow.

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Guest Epistax
Dashiva said:

They cancelled doom 3.. They are working on a barbie game.
Don't you read the news.

thats the most i've ever laughed from a single message

my thanks

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Guest Epistax

Funfactor is the only factor. If it is not a as fun, then the game is not as good. Now if this game was used for anything other than entertainment, like some flight simulators, then you could throw in more variables. But for this, fun is all that matters.

Excite Bike, Doom, Civ, Populus, Zelda- the best games ever made.

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