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Interaction with team mates


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Do you think Doom 3 should have the ability to interact with your team mates like Unreal 2 has?
I think it will be cool (imagine, facial expressions of the bumpmapped characters :)
I think it will help a lot to have a team mate in the beginning of the game and later in the game, a monster could eat him or a marine kill him.

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Sure, why not? The CPU Marines would only have a couple of hit points, though, so they could not help you that much. Remember, this is Doom. Too much interaction and the whole "One Marine, 10,000 Demons" feeling would be ruined.

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Everyone is saying that doom was a lonely experience.
It was like this for 1 reason AND ONE REASON only, the technology was severely limited!

With Team Mates's it could be even better!

Sequences like from the Alien Movies.
You're running along a corridor with a few buddies along side, then the lights fail, flick on then off again then give up the ghost completely. You All stop, One says "What The Fuck?" your destination collapses, the others get worried, say "what do we do now" You're getting really spooked, the others start panicking and a roar is heard behind you, you turn around, see nothing there, another roar behind you, you're all spooked now and turn around again which is when you hear a crack below you, everyone looks down and CRUNCH, something has broken the ceiling, reached down and taken one you're men, the lights come back on, and all you hear of the missing guy is a loud scream.


Much scarier than when your alone, because as you're number goes down one at a time you feel hunted.

Adds to the atmosphere quite well. Scary and Ugly-assed monsters will help too.

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DooMBoy said:

Sure, why not? The CPU Marines would only have a couple of hit points, though, so they could not help you that much. Remember, this is Doom. Too much interaction and the whole "One Marine, 10,000 Demons" feeling would be ruined.

I'd like to note that, while DooM was a lonely experience, CoOp DooM is one of the greatest gameplay styles ever made.

Since we can't emulate human-like behavior, I'll just limit teammates for interactive cutscenes only. By interactive I mean something like Elite Force scripted sequences for the team as you progress in the mission.

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It would be a great way to drop weapons off for the player. Remember how you would always find the plasma rifle or bfg in some place as if the demons were the ones that had it in the first place?

Now you can see a comrade get killed and then drop his weapon.

Hitpoints has nothing to do with it, "dummy" players (ie, bots) could very well have 100 hp and maybe even 100 armor (plus their respective weapons as well). They should just act "dumb" like alot of the other monsters in doom do - the sorry bastards will just get flanked and eaten (unlike flynn, who has learned quite abit about demon attack tactics).

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