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Id-software ***Evil unleashed***

Guest Terrordude

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Guest Terrordude

Oke I think its time that id lets rock the internet.
With an official New Doom website with some official news.
It will probebly have the biggest number of visitors afther a
few day's !!
I think its time that Id-software give us some official information and a screenshot.or something like that
It's a allmost a year now and they haven't say a lot.
But i have full trust(vertrouwen) in
ID-software. KEEP ON GOING ID !!!

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Calm down, they haven't even made 1/3 of the game yet. There's absolutely no chance they have hitted Alpha status already, and that means the content and features of the game are not there yet.

When this New DooM game looks and feels like the New DooM I'm going to buy in 2002, then I'll like to see a couple of shots.

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It'll take a while.
The way you "talk" about the game, it just reminds me of sex.
Can I ask a personal question ? Does your dick get hard when you hear the word "doom" ??

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Lord FlatHead said:

Well id have put up www.ua-corp.com though there's not much on it yet.

Yes, all thats really been confirmed is that all your base really do belong to us, and shall remain that way indefinately.

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Guest Dark_Fox

WTF is with you people?! Id will get it out when they feel like it.. Patience is always good if you have it dumb ass..

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Guest Dark_Fox
danarchist said:

Yes, all thats really been confirmed is that all your base really do belong to us, and shall remain that way indefinately.


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