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what video card does everyone have.

Guest FeelTheRage

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Guest FeelTheRage

I have an Xpert2000 with 32mb of ram. does a good job. plays split screen glegacy at 1024x768 with no prob.

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Please, this is the "doom3-forum". It doesn't say "What video-card does everyone have-forum", does it?... Does it? well, does it you punk?

/me plugs newbie-ass with yellow duck.

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Asus something-thousand-something-hundred Geforce2 MX 32mb 4xagp

/me thinks disorder dislikes this thread because he doesn't have a vid card to speak of :P

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Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS

(GeForce 2 GTS 32Mb)

One picece of advice for everybody: if you're gonna buy a Ge2 MX you might as well as get the GeForce 2 Ultra in another few months when prices drop.

Now I realize that the MX is affordable, but I don't think it's the best thing to buy a watered down version of the GeForce 2 GTS when the top of the line Ge2 Ultra will become more affordable in the not too distant future.

And for those people who have the GTS--all you have to do is rewire two certain resistors on your board and voila! you have a card that performs like the Ge2 Ultra. Gotta love it. =)

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Guest Dark_Fox

For your average gamer I would suggest a voodoo 3 3500 or 3000, but if want some serious power get rid of that piece of crap card you have now and get a geforce 2.. You maybe able to run Glegacy at a decent Frame Rate with your card, but load up a far more graphical complex game and your in for a world of hurt..
I have a Voodoo 3 2000 pci in a socket 7 System..

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Guest Dark_Fox
Disorder said:

Please, this is the "doom3-forum". It doesn't say "What video-card does everyone have-forum", does it?... Does it? well, does it you punk?

/me plugs newbie-ass with yellow duck.

Thats MY job, my pimpin duck does not work for outside authorities.. But I can put you on for a pay per use program. =P

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Dark_Fox said:

Thats MY job, my pimpin duck does not work for outside authorities.. But I can put you on for a pay per use program. =P

No thanks... I'll pass.. Unless, of course, it's not that expensive. :)

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DiSTuRBeD said:

/me thinks disorder dislikes this thread because he doesn't have a vid card to speak of :P

Actually, it's not that bad.
I have a Riva TNT2 M64 in combination with a voodoo2... Ok ok, it's not a geforce3, but it'll do for a while.

It was meant as a joke. =P

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Geforce2 MX, for running Q3A with high geometrical detail and high texture quality, looks very beautiful :)

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Voodoo 3 3000 AGP

I can't upgrade it due to the measurements of this Gateway motherboard. Damn.

Who knows what I'll put in my gaming rig when I start assembling it. I'm thinking GeForce 3 MX. =)

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Guest Dark_Fox
Disorder said:

No thanks... I'll pass.. Unless, of course, it's not that expensive. :)

Hehe, just give the call.. =)

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voodoo 3...i've heard the later voodoo's aren't worth it. i'll be getting a better one shortly before doom 3, or sooner if i'm suddenly rich someday

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Lord FlatHead said:

Finally, someone admits the horrible truth.

Hey maybe if I had a good card, I wouldn't get bored w/ doom.

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Guest CRiZ

Matrox G400 MAX, 32RAM

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Well I have something like 20 video cards around here but the best one I have is a RivaTNT2 Ultra 32MB thing. I hate it now that I found out it won't play GLQuake or GLHexen2 and they won't add support for those games, those are about the only games I use the 3D acceleration for anyways.

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Well, at least you can RUN the game at all. I don't think the game's going to run when it founds out I don't have vertex/pixel shaders. :)

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Lüt said:

Well I have something like 20 video cards around here but the best one I have is a RivaTNT2 Ultra 32MB thing. I hate it now that I found out it won't play GLQuake or GLHexen2 and they won't add support for those games, those are about the only games I use the 3D acceleration for anyways.

My Current Computers Video Card Is an ULtra RivaTnT2 32Mb.

It IS DAMN Good.

Plays Jdoom, Doom Legacy, Quake 3 Arena, GLQuake, JHeretic, American Mgee's Alice, BattleZone Looks Incredible with it (first one) Only problem is it crashes a fair bit rendering it unplayable.

My Next Computer Will Have A GeForce 256"Magic" (thats the company's Name) With 64MB Ram Plus GPU.

Yes I AM GETTING IT! (The New Computer That Is, I Have been mentioning it for month's now if you haven't noticed)


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First card : Graphics Blaster Riva TNT 16 mega SDRAM (AGP).

Second card : 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 (AGP)

Now : 3D Blaster GeForce 2 GTS, 32 mega ram DDR, from Creative. All the games run well, but I have problems with Quake 3 (Vsync problems/scanlines). I use the NVidia drivers beta 7.78. Still no changes for Quake 3.

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Guest BenjiDemon
Dark_Fox said:

Hehe, just give the call.. =)

Take my advice and wait for the GeForce3 prices to come down later this year, also the ram quality will be better.

If you think you r gonna play Doom3 on the video cards you have now, take your head out of ya ass:)

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Zaldron said:

Well, at least you can RUN the game at all. I don't think the game's going to run when it founds out I don't have vertex/pixel shaders. :)

Doh, that sucks. =(

Of course, by the time it ships, Geforce 3 Pro or whatever will probably be a reasonable price, which is a damn good thing cuz the game'll most likely scream at me for having "only" 32mb on my card, or Win XP (Xtra Puffy) will just eat everything up. =P

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Yeah, that's a real problem. XP is a mem hog, as you can see by looking at the sshots. Now, the surface (texture) storage system in OpenGL/DirectX is LAME. That means everytime you quit from a exclusive game (runs in fullscreen), XP will have to re-load all those pics. I can already picture myself the noise my HD will make...

What's the deal of making ultra-fancy GUIs anyway? I don't know you people, but every program I run, I run it at fullscreen/maximized. I have *NO* intention to stare at the hurting blue/green color scheme...

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Guest Epistax

Matrox ME 2, 4mb.

twice the card my computer came with


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Zaldron said:

Yeah, that's a real problem. XP is a mem hog, as you can see by looking at the sshots. Now, the surface (texture) storage system in OpenGL/DirectX is LAME. That means everytime you quit from a exclusive game (runs in fullscreen), XP will have to re-load all those pics. I can already picture myself the noise my HD will make...

What's the deal of making ultra-fancy GUIs anyway? I don't know you people, but every program I run, I run it at fullscreen/maximized. I have *NO* intention to stare at the hurting blue/green color scheme...

Amen to that brother. =)

I mean, when people get excited about slick new hardware, it's not because they want to "Explore(tm)" at mind boggling speeds.

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The crappiest one here!

Pine Riva TNT2 Mach 64 32Mb.

It sucks shit for the games I play! It won't even run Delta Force very well!


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