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I see........................

Guest PFCRon

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Guest PFCRon

It's been awhile since I've been in this forum (posted anything, at least), and I see that ideas are running out. That does not exclude me. All my new ideas have run out. However, I would like to re-emphisize an old idea I had. How about instead of the enemies being in "quiet mode", they rather just don't see you and move on in the level with their backs still to you? Also why not have them look around suspiciously whenever they hear a noise that they don't like? Hey, you never know, it might just shrug it off and move on. Gives more meaning to suprise attacks.

BTW.............how come I don't get a title??????? "Novel Lover" would be good for me!

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This is NOT a spy game!
This kind of stuff will be useless!
Go buy "Metal Gear Solid 2" for the PS2 (it has the same stuff you suggested).

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It may not be a spy game, but it's the little things in any game that count. I agree that enemies should behave like this, but that behavior reflects how you play the game. If you don't want enemies to act like this, just make a lot of noise in the game and get their attention right off the bat.

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i think you can count on seeing that...it would be like patrol imps or something. it could be useful, like say you are running low on ammo and don't want to open fire until you've found some, avoid the imp or whatever than come back and ventilate his ass.

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EllipsusD said:

It may not be a spy game, but it's the little things in any game that count. I agree that enemies should behave like this, but that behavior reflects how you play the game. If you don't want enemies to act like this, just make a lot of noise in the game and get their attention right off the bat.

Ok, so maybe the marines should behave in a similar way but this kind of behavior doesn't suit the monsters!
You really think that a MONSTER can be as smart as a marine?!?
Monsters acting like marines would ruin the expirience for me.

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PFCRon said:

I see......................................................................................................

Grr, no you don't..

/me pours some of his extremely fux0red coffee in PFCScabies eyes

Do you still see the shining sea shells by the sea shoreeee??!?!?

/me runs away from the giant orange rolling down the street after him

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Guest Dark_Fox

Ur back!

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Guest Dark_Fox


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Dima said:

Ok, so maybe the marines should behave in a similar way but this kind of behavior doesn't suit the monsters!
You really think that a MONSTER can be as smart as a marine?!?
Monsters acting like marines would ruin the expirience for me.

Predatorial behavior? I think it will enhance the experience.

Demons shouldn't be waiting for the prey, they should be lurking around.

About the intelligence, well, in combat situations "smartness" is pretty much useless. Those creatures are pure, raw instinct, spawned solely for killing. They should be WAY more effective than marines, resulting in a gameplay style I love : "You can slaughter, but you're in disadvantage".

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Dima said:

Ok, so maybe the marines should behave in a similar way but this kind of behavior doesn't suit the monsters!
You really think that a MONSTER can be as smart as a marine?!?
Monsters acting like marines would ruin the expirience for me.

Who's to say that some of the demons aren't smarter than the marines? They were quick enough to find a way to use the human's teleporter technology against them. Anyway, it's common for animals to walk right past you if they don't notice you. Why should demons be any different?

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