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Sombody kill Mac

Guest PFCRon

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Guest PFCRon

I think the title is pretty self explanatory. Where did "PFCScabies" come from in the first place????????

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Guest blood donor

I think u have been drinking to much of Mac's coffee :)

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I think the title is pretty self explanatory. Where did "PFCRon" come from in the first place???????

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Guest PFCRon
deadnail said:

Where did "PFCRon" come from in the first place???????

The first novel, that's where.

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K, thanks for clearing that up... but the cult-like unclean iconoclast Linux bastards still need tending to.

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Guest Dark_Fox

Hehehehe.. Scabies... hehehehe...

The books sucked.. exect for the first, it was 'OK'.

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If you ever went to school you would know that scabies are little things that crawl under your nads and leave a greyish trail, its an STD, sorta like the one the whole population of PFC seems to get.

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Dark_Fox said:

Hehehehe.. Scabies... hehehehe...

The books sucked.. exect for the first, it was 'OK'.

Please, lets not get started on the books again...

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Did you just wake up this morning, and think to yourself "man, I just realized that I have an inexplicable and deap seated loathing for a guy who I've never met!!!"

I think the only time I've felt like that was the last time Bush was on the radio, so apparently, Mac has done something really bad.....I'm just not sure what..=P

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  • 2 weeks later...

/me wonders why this post was put up in the first place
Scabies is an STD with an unusual side-effect-gray trails on your testes.

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