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WTF?!? Quake 4 at E3?!?


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I just read that Quake 4 (you hear me right) WILL be shown at E3 for Xbox!!
id, WTF?!?

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Mmmh, if that's true, wich I highly doubt, means id's playing the same technique they're using for RTCW development. Monitoring an external company.

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If so you've beaten Stomped and Planetquake, as they have nothing on the subject.

A new version of Quake 3, maybe with Team Arena merged into it or something, I guess that's possible. But there is no way id's going to develop two new titles at once. And I don't think id would trust another company with the valuable Quake license.

Folks, don't believe this unless someone credible gives an official affirmation.

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Zaldron said:

Mmmh, if that's true, wich I highly doubt, means id's playing the same technique they're using for RTCW development. Monitoring an external company.

Yes, Zaldron is probably right...
Everything I saw on the list was stuff I knew would be shown at the show except Quake 4.
Everything is possible...

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Dima said:

Yes, Zaldron is probably right...
Everything I saw on the list was stuff I knew would be shown at the show except Quake 4.
Everything is possible...

Perhaps Quake 4 is a bad title. I'm sure they're doing something like Revolution for PS2...

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Guest Dark_Fox

I think we have had enough quakes, we are going to break off and fall into the ocean if we have another.. =)

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Zaldron said:

Perhaps Quake 4 is a bad title. I'm sure they're doing something like Revolution for PS2...

that's the most likely prospect.

BTW, I saw a game called "Unreal Championship" listed also, which is probably just a (more or less) straight port of the pc version of UT. They have to change the names so people will think the X Box versions are cool. =P

Of course, no Quake game will ever be able to stand up to Doom.

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Guest HoLyHandGrenade

OK id id really starting to suck the Doom sereies and maybe Q2 (in my opinion) Was the best games they ever made and now they want to make a quake 4?! thats retarded. I guess they cant think of anything else good.

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If it's another Deathmatch game, I hope they make it less of a Mortal Kombat rip-off this time. I mean that announcer drives me buggy:

"YOU SUCK!!!" (cuz I can't dodge hitscan weapons)
"J00 H@V3 B33N H@X0R3D"
(Bones dances around my corpse with a shotgun, as always)

Geez, the only thing missing is "FINISH HIM!!!"


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