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Dima and Zaldron have a point

Guest Epistax

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Guest Epistax

Look at this message board. Hundreds of pictures to choose from for your 'guy' and yet there are matches among us. I just hope that the characters of identical skins have enough customizability so you'll be able to tell the difference.

It would be even better if we could make significant changes in skins that cannot be easily duplicated (by those who we want to look different) such as maybe different positions of accessories on any given trooper.

Is there going to be any point to play the game on anything less than a cable modem?

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Carmack's implementing modem capabilities, but they're not going to focus in it. Perhaps they'll add the 4:1 compression of Quake3 latest (but not released) patch.

About diversity, I believe a couple of base textures, some bolt-on a la SoF, surface patching, and stat controlled randomizing would do the trick. About diverse animation sets, it all depends in how many animations Nilsson link to the skeletons...

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What are you kidding? The CPL is already planning to use Doom 3 as a tournament game. Quake/Quake2/Quake3 have all attracted big multiplayer audiences. The "Doom" name is familiar to a huge number of people. If Doom 3 doesn't have a big multiplayer community I will eat my hat.

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Jeremy said:

I do not think DM is gonna be somthing very big in this game though.

my thinking on the multiplayer issue all along has been: just because they say they are not focusing on multiplayer doesn't mean it won't be implemented

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Guest Epistax
Zaldron said:

Carmack's implementing modem capabilities, but they're not going to focus in it. Perhaps they'll add the 4:1 compression of Quake3 latest (but not released) patch.

About diversity, I believe a couple of base textures, some bolt-on a la SoF, surface patching, and stat controlled randomizing would do the trick. About diverse animation sets, it all depends in how many animations Nilsson link to the skeletons...

So this wont become a 64 player arena. I don't mind if it is as long as it is far from the focus.

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Linguica said:

What are you kidding? The CPL is already planning to use Doom 3 as a tournament game. Quake/Quake2/Quake3 have all attracted big multiplayer audiences. The "Doom" name is familiar to a huge number of people. If Doom 3 doesn't have a big multiplayer community I will eat my hat.

Judging by your pic, your hat must be made of sausages.

Anyway, you're right, pretty much every Quake hardcore gamer will migrate to DooM 3, specially because it's "the next thing". With such a marvelous engine, we'll see tons of modders and level designers here. Now, since they're focusing in the SP experience, that means all the modding horde will start making DM/Team/CTF/TF mods.

By the end, DooM3 would be (hopefully) the ultimate gaming experience, both SP and MP.

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Epistax said:

So this wont become a 64 player arena. I don't mind if it is as long as it is far from the focus.

With skeletal animation, this is really RAM efficient. It will not create lag, except for a bigger load time when entering the server. The impact on the renderer would be fairly small, as long as you use GeForce3 or other next-gen cards where data traffic is optimized...

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a really cool thing would be if we changed it with custom skins so you could recognize each other every time we played. and only one name allowed for everyplayer. once a name is used noone else can use it ever. then you know who your up against. and the one thing i've always wanted in multiplayer games would be voice. like you hook up the pc microphone and enabe it in the game so you could literally talk to the other people instead of just writing stuff in. wouldn't that kick ass? then you can actually hear each others voices cursing each oher off instead of just reading it, would that be hard to do?

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Guest Epistax
Zaldron said:

With skeletal animation, this is really RAM efficient. It will not create lag, except for a bigger load time when entering the server. The impact on the renderer would be fairly small, as long as you use GeForce3 or other next-gen cards where data traffic is optimized...

Then we aren't going for a lot of realism yet.

How long until we will be sending the velocity and locations of individual joints across the server? How about every explosion looks the same to everyone? If they're going to require a geforce 3 just for it to run kinda shitty, let's get some more shit hehehe

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The question is...would that be useful?

They could model the interior of a gun, but noone would ever see it...

As soon as everyone has broadband, or companies completely forgot about crappy modems, most of this things can't be done. Because of the speed, yes, but also because there are new communication techniques, impossible in modems, but that might be useful for gaming.

Voice on games is a no-brainer, and would be a very simple and cool feature for broadband users.

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Now what the heil are you guys talking about. I haven't seen anjy pictures on these forums because mainly you cannot post pictures (for reasonably good explanation).

I beleive you are talking aobut both models and skins people will be killing each other with in doom3. Well, actually we wont be killing each other becasue deathmatch probably wont be included.

Anyway, if these things are as complex as we think they will be then it may well be quite abit of time to download the neccicary materials before any games start (and of course, everyone will be downlaoding everything at different speeds).

By the time doom3 comes out, from what iv'e heard, I think quite abit of us will be using cable modems anyway - with at&t as your cable provider they will soon dominate the market in internet service too (and they'll give you the cable modem to work it too... at a steep rental price [soon they will be selling us air... and we'll need it becasue they'll own everything]).

I just hope they dont ahve lots of weird crap like they did in quake3. A girl with a feather mask here, a skeleton there, some techno looking dudes, and some punk-looking dudes. We dont need shit liek that in doom3.

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Epistax said:

Dima and Zaldron have a point

...and they also have the same face!!!11

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Guest Krezy mAn

i don't like your sig much.....

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