Lord FlatHead Posted May 18, 2001 God damn FUCK, if you haven't seen the E3 Duke4ever movie yet, download it right now. Like, this very moment. It's using the Unreal Tournament engine, though somehow 3DRealms have succeeded in making one great-looking game. But the visuals aren't the big thing - it's the detail and interactivity. Notice the following : * Using vending machines, computers and pinball machines convincingly * All kinds of vehicles to drive and fly * Great NPC's and in-game cutscenes * Rain and other weather effects * Blood actually dripping from a soldier's leg as he limps about the place, leaving stains * Strippers, for Christ's sake ! If Doom3 would have this kind of stuff, with the added plus of a great new graphics engine, it would be to die for. id Software, take a long hard look. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted May 18, 2001 Excuse me? Who the hell are you talking to? Have you even PLAYED the last three or four games released by id? Unless id actually puts some effort into this game (which could be the case considering the crew switcharound) it's going to be NOTHING but nice graphics on top of bland gameplay. Face facts here... all the Quake games were really lacking in the originality department, ESPECIALLY Arena and Team Arena. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 18, 2001 As many people have pointed out before, id is a very different company from when they were making Doom. But that's certainly not a bad thing - I'm convinced they have the strongest team ever, and while I don't expect Doom3 to be really interactive or innovative in ways of gameplay, I do have full confidence in their potential. The wait is long, but the reward will be sweet. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 18, 2001 Well said. I don't believe Doom3 will be as interactive as Duke Nukem Forever. But hey, with those graphics, who cares? I believe that the graphics in Doom3 will be the most important thing in the game. Cause by looking at that movie, I think the graphics, lighting, etc. will set most of the atmospere of the game. Imagine this, with creepy music and terrifying sounds.... man, i can't wait. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted May 18, 2001 deadnail said:Unless id actually puts some effort into this game (which could be the case considering the crew switcharound) it's going to be NOTHING but nice graphics on top of bland gameplay. Now, that's one of the biggest problems ALL companies will face in the next years. Everyone will start bitching "The gameplay it's not up with DNF", but seriously people, these guys have been working on the goddamn game for YEARS! Unless you want every developer in the world to make 4 years development cycles for their games, that has no sense. 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted May 18, 2001 Lord FlatHead said:* Strippers, for Christ's sake ! if Doom 3 has strippers i will shoot myself in the face as many times as i possibly can before i die... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted May 18, 2001 I'll keep shooting for you if you wish...now I have to find someone who does that for me, Lüt perhaps? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest c-d-w Posted May 19, 2001 deadnail said:Excuse me? Who the hell are you talking to? Have you even PLAYED the last three or four games released by id? Unless id actually puts some effort into this game (which could be the case considering the crew switcharound) it's going to be NOTHING but nice graphics on top of bland gameplay. Face facts here... all the Quake games were really lacking in the originality department, ESPECIALLY Arena and Team Arena. I agree. However, future games based on the Doom3 engine will undoubtedly rock. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted May 19, 2001 You'd sure hope so. Did you ever see that deer hunting game based off the Unreal engine? What a waste of technology. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest c-d-w Posted May 19, 2001 I saw a pinball game based on the unreal engine.. that was unique, to say the least. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted May 19, 2001 Zaldron said:I'll keep shooting for you if you wish...now I have to find someone who does that for me, Lüt perhaps? No. I already shot him. 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted May 19, 2001 Disorder said:Well said. I don't believe Doom3 will be as interactive as Duke Nukem Forever. But hey, with those graphics, who cares? I believe that the graphics in Doom3 will be the most important thing in the game. Cause by looking at that movie, I think the graphics, lighting, etc. will set most of the atmospere of the game. Imagine this, with creepy music and terrifying sounds.... man, i can't wait. =) I just hope Doom III won't end like Daikatana! ={ 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 19, 2001 If that's gonna happen, I'll fuck my dog. 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted May 19, 2001 Ah, I downloaded it and saw it, and...I want iiiiiit!! I can't wait for that game. While I was at it, I downloaded Max Payne trailer too. I want iiiiiitt toooo, aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! Those 2 are the games I am the most awaiting, as well as Doom III of course. The next I'm gonna buy are Tribes 2, Serious Sam and Operation Flashpoint. 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted May 19, 2001 Disorder said:If that's gonna happen, I'll fuck my dog. Uhh....no. For your dogs sake. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted May 19, 2001 Feronth said:Ah, I downloaded it and saw it, and...I want iiiiiit!! I can't wait for that game. While I was at it, I downloaded Max Payne trailer too. I want iiiiiitt toooo, aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! Those 2 are the games I am the most awaiting, as well as Doom III of course. The next I'm gonna buy are Tribes 2, Serious Sam and Operation Flashpoint. Somehow Max Payne doesn't seem as impressive as Duke4ever. The plot and setting are pretty good for a game like that, and the graphics seem top-notch, though the bullet-time gimmick has been done to death since the Matrix and the third-person viewpoint turns me off. Oh well, fuck it, I'm going to buy Duke4ever no matter what, it's based on the UT engine so it should run great on just about any reasonable PC. 0 Share this post Link to post
Feronth Posted May 19, 2001 Max Payne looks a lot like Hitman - Codename 47 too. And the sounds of the guns were very similar to Hitman (again). 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted May 19, 2001 Shaviro said:No. I already shot him. lets all just stand in a big circle and hold a gun to the person to the left of you's head then we all pull the trigger at the same time...sounds like fun... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted May 19, 2001 Disorder said:Well said. I don't believe Doom3 will be as interactive as Duke Nukem Forever. But hey, with those graphics, who cares? I believe that the graphics in Doom3 will be the most important thing in the game. Cause by looking at that movie, I think the graphics, lighting, etc. will set most of the atmospere of the game. Imagine this, with creepy music and terrifying sounds.... man, i can't wait. =) "With those graphics, who cares?" Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh right, so you're saying that a game can be a total piece of shit with nice graphics and you'll still buy it? What about two years down the line when the game looks dated as hell, by games with GAMEPLAY no less, why would you bother to play it then? That's an irresponsible attitude as a gamer. It's attitudes like that that ended up making movies like Jurassic Park 2 and Dungeons & Dragons. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted May 19, 2001 Looked pretty decent, but what the hell was The Terminator doing in it? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest c-d-w Posted May 20, 2001 This is Duke Nukem, so expect 80% of the game to be ripped off from Movies, TV and other pop culture. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 20, 2001 deadnail said:"With those graphics, who cares?" Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh right, so you're saying that a game can be a total piece of shit with nice graphics and you'll still buy it? What about two years down the line when the game looks dated as hell, by games with GAMEPLAY no less, why would you bother to play it then? That's an irresponsible attitude as a gamer. It's attitudes like that that ended up making movies like Jurassic Park 2 and Dungeons & Dragons. I was not THAT serious about it. C'mon man. Never we have seen graphics like that in a game before. Of course it's important to have a high level of gameplay. But take a look at those graphics. Imagine playing that game with superb sound and music. Seems like a win-win situation to me... 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted May 20, 2001 When your computer can't even run the video to a new game at full speed... you know it's time to upgrade. 0 Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted May 20, 2001 DoOmEr4LiFe said:lets all just stand in a big circle and hold a gun to the person to the left of you's head then we all pull the trigger at the same time...sounds like fun... It's times like these that I'm glad they invented the BFG (and some people tried to say it was a llama weapon without any real purpose :D). Now, everybody can shoot themselves, and we won't have to worry about finding other people to pull the trigger. And while we're at it, might as well take a few shots at the people who invented Duke Nukem in the first place. I can actually say that this is the most idiotic post I've ever seen. If anyone here actually seriously likes Duke Nukem, I will personally take my BFG, shove it up my ***, and pull the trigger. 0 Share this post Link to post
EllipsusD Posted May 21, 2001 What is so bad about Duke Nukem? I personally like it. I enjoyed playing Duke Nukem 2 and 3D. Is that so horrible? Sometimes you guys act like anything other than Doom is horrible... 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 21, 2001 geekmarine said:If anyone here actually seriously likes Duke Nukem, I will personally take my BFG, shove it up my ***, and pull the trigger. Duke Nukem rocks. there... I said it. /me awaits BFG-Blast. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted May 21, 2001 Windowpain said:Uhh....no. For your dogs sake. I bet he likes it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Epistax Posted May 23, 2001 c-d-w said:I saw a pinball game based on the unreal engine.. that was unique, to say the least. I got tetris for star craft. it's very, VERY difficult 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted May 24, 2001 c-d-w said:This is Duke Nukem, so expect 80% of the game to be ripped off from Movies, TV and other pop culture. WTF? 80% MORE LIKE 99% IS A RIP OFF let's hope this is duke nukem the final rip off I HATE DUKE NUKEM FOR HE FOLLOWING REASONS 1 RIPPED OFF DOOM (FAV GAME) 2 RIPPED OFF EVIL DEAD (FAV FILM) 3 IT SUCKS LIKE HELL! I'm gonna turn the caps lock off now 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted May 25, 2001 Duke Nukem kicks ass. One of my greatest multiplayer experiences ever. 1. What exactly did they ripped off from DooM? the "FPS" concept? 2. Evil Dead? Huh? Where? What? 3. That's not a reason. 0 Share this post Link to post
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