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The Duke Nukem Forever Movie

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Disorder said:

I bet he likes it.

You know...just because you like it, it doesn't mean he's gonna enjoy it too. :)


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Zaldron said:

Duke Nukem kicks ass. One of my greatest multiplayer experiences ever.

1. What exactly did they ripped off from DooM? the "FPS" concept?
2. Evil Dead? Huh? Where? What?
3. That's not a reason.

God Damn! It took me a few days to get it, but I finally got it.
The Duke Forever MOVIE RULES! EVEN ON LOW QUALITY! That is final. I WANT IT NOW.

(A) There Was One, One and only one joke at the start of Duke3D
In reference to Doom. Quote "Thats one 'Doomed' Space Marine. (While Looking at a dead Doomguy)
(B) The Reason he say's this is because the voice of Duke is the
Bruce Campbell, the guy who starred in 'Evil Dead'.
(C) And This Reason is here because Chainsaw DGM is Dumb.

Duke Nukem RULES.
Rant.Finished = True

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