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yeah, ... how many members are they in the doomworld forums ?
and who is the oldest in there ?
just curious....

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I registered May 22 2000. That's probably the week the forums opened.

Since I've had a job the last 6 months where I usually don't do anything, I've kinda lived here during work hours.

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I'm certainly not the oldest member in here.
To be honest with you, I have NO IDEA how many members are registered on doomworld. Good question...

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Lüt said:

I registered May 22 2000. That's probably the week the forums opened.

Since I've had a job the last 6 months where I usually don't do anything, I've kinda lived here during work hours.

Check my register date.

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Guest stphrz'
Lüt said:

I registered May 22 2000. That's probably the week the forums opened.

Since I've had a job the last 6 months where I usually don't do anything, I've kinda lived here during work hours.

Me too.

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Linguica said:

Check my register date.

Wow, Lüt has been here before Ling opened the forums. Yeah, you have way too much time in your hands... :P

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thats weird, when i joined i wanted the name hasan, but itsaid it was taken already...have you ever seen a "hassan" posting in here? if so it must have been before i came which was only about a month after the forums opened. and it wouldnt let me register a name longer than masterhassan. instead of jedimasterhassan. but i see peopel with longer names...i think

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Zaldron said:

Wow, Lüt has been here before Ling opened the forums. Yeah, you have way too much time in your hands... :P

Ling was afore L(insert weird U here)t you made me check it :)
As to "oldest" of course Ling would have to be 1st, so assume he meant age, I claim that spot :)
And my original reg date was earlier than as Fodders, I was fod_vile for a while before Mordeth had an embolysm one night and deleted me :)

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Lüt said:

I registered May 22 2000. That's probably the week the forums opened.

Says May 1st in your user details

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I registered here July 21, 2000. That's pretty old, but then again I hardly ever post. Agewise I'm 16.

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fodders said:

Says May 1st in your user details

Fuck, I always look at "Last Posted" for registration dates.

I thought I had it right this time. I also thought yesterday was the 27th...

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Zaldron said:

Wow, Lüt has been here before Ling opened the forums. Yeah, you have way too much time in your hands... :P

Unfortunately, I was here 4 hours after Ling.

::removes needle from Zaldron's neck::

That's not a very healthy thing to be doing y'know.

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ok, cool and dandy, but I haven't got an answer on the number of doom freaks out there.
(I've figured out that the founder of the forum is the oldest on the barricades, but other than that....)

btw, did you saw the last Warcraft3 teaser ?

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fodders said:

(insert weird U here)

Meeldüib üolla meelüdivaüs süeltüskonnüas, müis müinu puhüul koosüneb eeülkõige süõpradüest ja tüuttavateüst ning küulun klübisse Idiots! Lemmikvärvuseksü onü (tüme)sinine, ning aastaaegadeüst meeldüib mülle kõige roühkem müidugi süvi. Muüsikat küulan laialdasüelt, küid siingi onü oümad stiiülid müis mülle rohkem (Hüardcüore ja viimasel ajüal olüen Slüpinkoti-nimeüline "bändi" kuülnud) ja vähem (Disco!) müeeldüivad. Olen tegüelenud üka natuüke programmeerüimisüega (millüest kõüige püareminüi vaüldan QBasüicu-nimeülist keüelt, küigüi viiümasel ajüal olenü ka Cü-keele püoole vaadanuüd, mis siisküi näib kaüge ja kättesaamatü). Mooülat ijasot! Parim vaadata viimane üüendus! Üüü!

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Lüt said:

Meeldüib üolla meelüdivaüs süeltüskonnüas, müis müinu puhüul koosüneb eeülkõige süõpradüest ja tüuttavateüst ning küulun klübisse Idiots! Lemmikvärvuseksü onü (tüme)sinine, ning aastaaegadeüst meeldüib mülle kõige roühkem müidugi süvi. Muüsikat küulan laialdasüelt, küid siingi onü oümad stiiülid müis mülle rohkem (Hüardcüore ja viimasel ajüal olüen Slüpinkoti-nimeüline "bändi" kuülnud) ja vähem (Disco!) müeeldüivad. Olen tegüelenud üka natuüke programmeerüimisüega (millüest kõüige püareminüi vaüldan QBasüicu-nimeülist keüelt, küigüi viiümasel ajüal olenü ka Cü-keele püoole vaadanuüd, mis siisküi näib kaüge ja kättesaamatü). Mooülat ijasot! Parim vaadata viimane üüendus! Üüü!


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Lüt said:

Meeldüib üolla meelüdivaüs süeltüskonnüas, müis müinu puhüul koosüneb eeülkõige süõpradüest ja tüuttavateüst ning küulun klübisse Idiots! Lemmikvärvuseksü onü (tüme)sinine, ning aastaaegadeüst meeldüib mülle kõige roühkem müidugi süvi. Muüsikat küulan laialdasüelt, küid siingi onü oümad stiiülid müis mülle rohkem (Hüardcüore ja viimasel ajüal olüen Slüpinkoti-nimeüline "bändi" kuülnud) ja vähem (Disco!) müeeldüivad. Olen tegüelenud üka natuüke programmeerüimisüega (millüest kõüige püareminüi vaüldan QBasüicu-nimeülist keüelt, küigüi viiümasel ajüal olenü ka Cü-keele püoole vaadanuüd, mis siisküi näib kaüge ja kättesaamatü). Mooülat ijasot! Parim vaadata viimane üüendus! Üüü!

I wonder if that's just an assortment of words using the "ü", or it's a really fucking long vulgarity. :)

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Look for the key that makes the "´" symbol (it's close to your enter key) and NOT the "`" (I think that's a french accent). Shift + "that key" + "u" should spit "ü".

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Nah, just hold "ALT" and press "641" on the number pad and let go of "ALT".

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Zaldron said:

I wonder if that's just an assortment of words using the "ü", or it's a really fucking long vulgarity. :)

That guy Tonx who came here a few days ago had a homepage in Smeeeghstooosat or whatever that language is called. I pulled that from the "******" section (not to be confused with the "*****" or "*******" sections) and added my ü's. You can see "hardcore" and "slipknot" in there, so I'm guessing it was an "about me" section.

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Well, I've been here since July or August of last year. I believe fodders is oldest(he claims to be 50). I don't know how many members there are, with everybody coming and going, but I'd say it's somewhere in the 30s.

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It's not a "claim" it's a bemoaning :)
Check my pic on tokes page and you will see it is no exageration :) or :( i mean
/me wanders off into a "kids these days, no respect, I can remember when tv was black and white" sort of daze
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be :(

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Guest Bloodspill25

I have been here since Fri 25 Aug 2000

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