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Taken from VoodooExtreme:

nVidia Q&A 11:00 AM (your time) - James "ADecay" Special - Hardware: nVidia - (35)

The little green corporate men out at G'Spy have tossed up an interview with Curtis Beeson out at nVidia, member of the demo engineering team (the guys that crank out those dialed looking demos that show off the effects that are possible with the new tech.) It's a pretty good Q&A, talking about everything from the new GeForce 3 tech (and when we may see some games sporting the new features) as well as some info on creating Demos. Here's a blurb on id's DOOM3:

GameSpy: Have you had any sneak peeks at the new games that will use the GeForce3 features? Which games coming out best use the features of the GeForce3?

Curtis Beeson: Game developers usually work with our developer relations folks, so I only get to see games under development when I sneak into their cubes to give my eyes and wrists a break. I probably shouldn't comment on developers that haven't made their screenshots and demos public, but I can say that the publicly released demos of DOOM3 are pretty exciting. Not only is the content itself really cool, but id doesn't just build a game, they build a platform that others develop upon and an expectation for all that follow.

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I don't get it. What are you implying he said? That he has seen some sort of secret (yet "publicly-released"?) demo that is really amazing and blah blah blah? I don't think that's what he meant. I think he was talking about the stuff Carmack & Jobs showed off in Tokyo.

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Carmack showed the engine to several ex-id folks and other friends in the industry before the MacWorld thing...

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