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Guest Arch-Angel

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Guest Arch-Angel

I was curious - how many people were logging on the net via a 14.4 (or if you you really lucky a 28.8) and your 386.33 or if lucky a 486dx66 like mad december 1993 waiting for doom1 to be released??? how many of you played it with ya mates till you fell from the chair from exhaustion? Admitted to hospital over the fights that broke out when people used the BFG in one on one? How many of you are looking forward to it all happening again?

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Nope,but my friends friend who had "One of those internet computers" did,and gave it to my friend,who's house i went round constatly afterwards

"Wow!...youve got doom!..you mean like..the actual doom?..THE game????...COOL!"

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Hahah, I got introduced to Doom by my SNES and that wonderful FX Chip. A year or so later when we got a computer the first game I went out and bought was Doom... of course, not understanding the concept of shareware that's what I ended up with. Oh well, I was enchanted by that first episode and I played the living shit out of it.

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Guest Gruson

I was on my 14.4 and I actually owned a 486 DX2 50 with 8 megs RAM and a dual speed CDROM! I remember getting it from the local BBS like it was yesterday. Those who played Doom on the SNES first are not true Doomers. Sorry.

Doom is still badass....too bad that box isnt :)

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Guest Gruson

I was on my 14.4 and I actually owned a 486 DX2 50 with 8 megs RAM and a dual speed CDROM! I remember getting it from the local BBS like it was yesterday. Those who played Doom on the SNES first are not true Doomers. Sorry.

Doom is still badass....too bad that box isnt :)

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Oh what now? I'm not a Doomer 'cuz I didn't have a computer when it came out? Well, did you grow up with TI-994A? What the hell do YOU know about computers? =)

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Lord FlatHead said:

I didn't download Doom until a couple months after the release, but when I did, I used a 14.4 modem.

Mmmmm.... This message got pretty messed up.

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Guest Erick20
Gruson said:

I was on my 14.4 and I actually owned a 486 DX2 50 with 8 megs RAM and a dual speed CDROM! I remember getting it from the local BBS like it was yesterday. Those who played Doom on the SNES first are not true Doomers. Sorry.

Doom is still badass....too bad that box isnt :)

I must agree. Lots of 'doomers' here started with a super nintendo. I remember playing doom for the first time on my 486, I'll never forget it... somehow, I just can't imagine it being quite as fulfilling on a nintendo platform.

just my $0.02

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