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Good Bye to you All!

Guest Phrab Hat Traps

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Guest Phrab Hat Traps

Good bye all.
I will see some of you in hell! And it was nice reading your come-backs.
/me goes to delete his posts
Now this post will be the only remnetes that I exist...so I'll leave you to think about this, on my way to hell Good Bye.

Spit on the sweat of my trash, instagate the power from within

the out of the begging of spank dont touch my maca or ill make

you wash a funk cake motavate for the elevation of clock elves

FEEL UP ON a SwiNG GREASE mask on a shampoo yea ya faggot stiches

Fag n. toil; a tedious task; a cigarette; v.t. to exhaust.

Faggot (fag' .at) n. a bundle of sticks for fuel; a bundle of steel rods cut for welding; v.t. to tie together; to embroide with a fagot stich.

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Guest Blynd Syde

Bye Bye!

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Wow, did I miss something? I haven't checked the forums in about a day, and come back seeing people bash this guy like there's no tomorrow, and I can't find any post made by him. It was deleted so I wonder what kind of stuff he said?

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Guest Stphrz'
Blynd Syde said:

Bye Bye!

Heh =) Nudge nugde. Wink wink ;)

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Guest Stphrz'
Zaldron said:

Bye. Hope to see you soon... :)

Of course, you know you will ;)

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Good fucking riddance

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I was wondering if this guy, Username, and that other annoying one (I forgot his name) are all the same person?

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/me spits in your face, and laughs uncontrollably
/me chokes

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Windowpain said:

I was wondering if this guy, Username, and that other annoying one (I forgot his name) are all the same person?

you mean that bitch dexter? nah, ill bet they were all different demons sent from my math teacher (satan) to annoy the hell out of us.

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Guest Clone999

Before you go, I'd like to know where you got this Doom 3 of yours.

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Zaldron said:

Bye. Hope to see you soon... :)

Yes Zal, you are the only other one here with a brain and a sence of humor..besides me, deadnail and Sirgalahadwizard, and maybe Mr. ..wait, whats his name? Damnit! I feel isolated! Im all itchy *goes to corner and starts uranating on self*

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