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"...DooM3 will not be a thinking person's shooter. DooM3 will be a top-of-the-line FPS with some incredible graphics, music and sound. It will feature things such as looking up/down(freelook), jumping, maybe climbing..."
This part of an article I remember reading in a long-forgotten 2000 issue of CGW(Computer Gaming World) escribes the third installment of the Doom series as the designers see it, but not directly as how the game will actually be.

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Lord FlatHead said:


Quit talkin' and go down on my mound!

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Disorder said:

it's annoying

No you are

Heh, I'm loving every minute of this

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Disorder said:

Play halflife and go over to planethalflife to spam the forums there...

oh my... what a BRILLIANT idea. But play UT instead, hmkay?

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/me takes Doomboy and tears his fucking head off
/me than takes the double chaingun from uac ressurerection and makes some swiss doomcheese

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DooMBoy said:

Quit talkin' and go down on my mound!

Charles: "You know, that hole, the one you put pie in ?"
Tycho: "Yeah, that's my pie-hole."
Charles: "Shut it."

Penny Arcade... gotta love it.

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/me takes Doomboy and tears his fucking head off/me than takes the double chaingun from uac ressurerection and makes some swiss doomcheese

That's all? You're getting weakned. Have some coffee =)

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Jayextee said:

No you are

Heh, I'm loving every minute of this

stop it. It reminds me of the time where i went to kindergarten.

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DiSTuRBeD said:

oh my... what a BRILLIANT idea.

Why don't you post something better then?

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Who changed the title of my post!?!
/me aims my DB Shotgun at MAC'VILEWHORE's head, and lets rip
And I'm NOT a businessman, that was FYI stuff, jackholes.

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DooMBoy said:

[this message was edited by Linguica on Fri 8 Jun 14:07]


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It's not a pie-hole for the last time, it's a mouth, you putz!!

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DooMBoy said:

It's not a pie-hole for the last time, it's a mouth, you putz!!


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DooMBoy said:

Who changed the title of my post!?!
/me aims my DB Shotgun at MAC'VILEWHORE's head, and lets rip
And I'm NOT a businessman, that was FYI stuff, jackholes.

Come on though, it was getting a bit too much.

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How so, Dave? I was just telling everybody stuff about D3 that they might want to know.

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DooMBoy said:

Who changed the title of my post!?! /me aims my DB Shotgun at MAC'VILEWHORE's head, and lets ripAnd I'm NOT a businessman, that was FYI stuff, jackholes.

All the years of working in the labs gave my skin an inumerable amount of layers of coffee bean shells, wish renders me invulnerable... YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT BY NOW

....you TURDOLOGIST!!!!

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