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Has anyone played CO-OP on Doom2.exe? I did 4-player once. The more, the merrier!! Yep..

There's two kinds of DOOMers; those who like CO-OP, and those who like CO-OP and won't admit it.. :-b

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I started Requiem map03 (that's Iikka's isn't it? or is that 2? Poison Processing) at school with a guy... but he was fucking poor.. he couldn't even figure out how to drop down that first waterfall going into the base... I knew the level off by heart. :) I like coop, just wish I knew some half decent players.

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Yeah, I know that level. I played that with my good friend Marc, (who without which, I never would have learned how to make levels. I used ADE2, and its pomegranete-poor node builder, soon to discover that I should have used an external node builder like BSP 1.2" ... *Ahem* .. Yes, I've tried that level. I got to see how fast I could speedrun it on skill 1. I think I got as low as 1:16.

Oh and hey, ever played a wicked level?? I mean, Requiem level 27. THAT is WICKED.. Amazing level design. Not so much in an eye-candy sort of way, more from a route-design point of view. I might be able to finish that level in 15:00 if I hurry. I still don't think I've found the end to that level. I mean, that is one LONG level!! :O

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Guest cocoon

The first time I ever played a multiplayer doomgame was in coop mode. I knew about deathmatch and coop and all from all the doominfo I'd seen before that. This was in 97 or so btw...

But this fuck, who claims he knows how to set the game up (and I wanted deathmatch, I especially asked for that) send us to map01 in coop-mode. He keeps standing there, behind my back, blasting me away everytime I come alive. I will never forget the look on his face when I turned ito rage. I can't express the feelings which come over me now when I think about the incident.

Do I have to say that he didn't stand a chance when we finally got into a real dm game? didn't think so...

PS. the sucker actaully enjoyed the coop game, where he over and over again, blasted me into small piles of putrid debris. He thought it was so funny, well until...

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Yes, that's what you call a sadist.

Anyway, my first multiplayer experience was also CO-OP, with my friend Marc. It was amazing fun.. We lived (and still do) 30 miles apart. It was almost an addiction!! Yes, your first multiplayer experience can seem quite addicting. That passed in a few days, and after a while, we became more well adjusted on DM. Anyway, I have my cousin's wedding to go to tomorrow, which is over 100 miles away, so I'm not going to stay up much longer. End of post. :-b

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cocoon said:

The first time I ever played a multiplayer doomgame was in coop mode. I knew about deathmatch and coop and all from all the doominfo I'd seen before that. This was in 97 or so btw...

But this fuck, who claims he knows how to set the game up (and I wanted deathmatch, I especially asked for that) send us to map01 in coop-mode. He keeps standing there, behind my back, blasting me away everytime I come alive. I will never forget the look on his face when I turned ito rage. I can't express the feelings which come over me now when I think about the incident.

Do I have to say that he didn't stand a chance when we finally got into a real dm game? didn't think so...

PS. the sucker actaully enjoyed the coop game, where he over and over again, blasted me into small piles of putrid debris. He thought it was so funny, well until...

My fist multiplayer game was deathmatch that lasted for about 2o seconds and then we played co-op for about 3 years beofre i convinced him to stop being a puss. If you play doom every night for hours when your 12 it starts to get to you. I used to get so into those co-op games i would start screaming at the monsters in rage as i killed them.

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Guest Gimly

I am almost a pure co-op player (I must admit :) But I think most of the time I prefer to play with two players only. If you are three or more players then the party often tends to split up and it's only slaughtering around in different corners of the level.<p>
If it's only a friend and you there is much more of this "I'll cover your back, you cover mine"... Seems to work better for us (more fun, not faster...)

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That's interesting. I enjoy a variety of play. Just-going-in-and-blasting-everything type 3-player CO-OP is fun too. The back-to-back thing you just described sounds fun, too..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest UWR zerocool WL

hi, how do u play, doom or doom 2 online? please help

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Guest barry
cocoon said:

The first time I ever played a multiplayer doomgame was in coop mode. I knew about deathmatch and coop and all from all the doominfo I'd seen before that. This was in 97 or so btw...

But this fuck, who claims he knows how to set the game up (and I wanted deathmatch, I especially asked for that) send us to map01 in coop-mode. He keeps standing there, behind my back, blasting me away everytime I come alive. I will never forget the look on his face when I turned ito rage. I can't express the feelings which come over me now when I think about the incident.

Do I have to say that he didn't stand a chance when we finally got into a real dm game? didn't think so...

PS. the sucker actaully enjoyed the coop game, where he over and over again, blasted me into small piles of putrid debris. He thought it was so funny, well until...


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