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CSDLauncher Problem

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I have a small problem with CS doom Launcher. As it opens, it begins to querry the servers, of course, but there are three odd looking servers, with name, address and other charachteristics named with that funny y with the two dots on top and a ping of -1. when it querrys these servers i get an illegal operation prompt, And CS is shutdown. Is there anyone who can help me, or show me who to contact reguarding this problem. Oh, and sometmimes, when actually getting into a server and zdoom starts up, the screen is all chopped, i'm below the ground, and as I walk it looks like i'm running in the edge of a map w/ no clipping mode on, and i dont' have it on. Thanks for anyhelp provided

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There should be some file called "csdl.ini". Delete this file and restart the launcher. This will fix the problem.

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