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Well, it is... Sort of an universally useful flat that I use often, even if I try not to. And that's all, I think.

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I know a few other decent substitutes for CEIL5_2, unfortunately they're forbidden to discuss in this thread. :)

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Yeah, it's a very nice texture. It can be used for space bases, industrial zones, outer worlds (e.g. Thy Flesh Consumed) and anything you can think of. It doesn't even look bad. Here you go...

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printz said:

It can be used for space bases,

I wouldn't say so. Brown techbases, yes. Space bases, no. Space bases can be silver, white, black and/or brightly colorful, just not brown. :)

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AD_79 said:

I much prefer FLOOR7_1 over CEIL5_2.

fight me

Why? One is floor, the other is ceiling. They can both exist.

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I don't have much attachment to CEIL5_2. That's not to say it doesn't have its uses, but I'd consider it a texture that does its job best when you're not noticing it's there.

Mechazawa said:

You could make the entirety of quake 2 with ceil5_2 and the aesthetic would not change at all.

That's an odd comparison to make. Most of Quake 2's aesthetic comes from the designs of its textures, which definitely aren't featureless brown blobs.

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ceil5_1 is allot more emotional and hardcore because it wear all black and doesnt conform to ur standards because its dark and to deep for u to understand

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Doomkid said:

ceil5_1 is allot more emotional and hardcore because it wear all black and doesnt conform to ur standards because its dark and to deep for u to understand

have truer words been said in this thread? nope, however, that texture has those ugly grey dots.

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Well... CEIL5_1 and 5_2 are the best complement to SUPPORT3 and METAL. That's how I use them, all the time.

CEIL5_1 with any COMP texture are obligatory too.

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Noiser said:

Well... CEIL5_1 and 5_2 are the best complement to SUPPORT3 and METAL. That's how I use them, all the time.

I actually prefer RROCK03 for this.

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Compliments the following textures:

METAL series (except METAL1)
WOOD5 if full length on top or bottom
WOODMET series

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I am going to go out on a carpet and say that FLAT14 is the best floor/ceiling texture there is.

CEIL5_2 for me is either used as a really rusty metal floor/ceiling, or dirt in outside areas.

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CEIL5_2 is a primarily a rusted metal flat as far as I care, analogue to METAL, SUPPORT3 and the like (including cases such as WOODMET* and textures using rusted metal borders and whatnot). I rarely use it as a dirt floor, instead opting for FLOOR7_1 in those cases. CEIL5_2 just doesn't look gritty enough to be used as a "natural" terrain flat. Not even when using Ye Olde Vanilla visuals.

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