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DoomLink, Doom Connector Continuation

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UPDATE: Development has finally been picked up (sorry it took until march!). I will now start to put progress updates at the bottom.

I just wanted to post early and let you know, I'm making a new Doom multiplayer program! I would like to say that I do not have any association with the creators of Doom Connector, despite my thread title. I do, however, think that it is very similar to Doom Connector. The features are limited currently, but it should be ready soon.

Here is an image of the current state which "DoomLink" is in:

Please appreciate that this application is in a very early development stage, although the main features, such as creating and joining servers are working very well.
If you're interested in this project, you can contact me at:

-Removed as I do not check my email-

You can also check my Trello board:

I am awful at checking any forms of communication, if you send me anything such as a PM, I may never respond, this is simply because I haven't seen it.


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This is always great to hear, I remember my early days of being a moderator on Doom Connector V2 under my old name.

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I was a DC fanatic from 2001-2004, then I was an STO fanatic. I would like to see personal little account blurbs like on DC, and maybe even IRC connectivity to other servers as well? I've always though a program that sorta 'merged' the concepts of IDE and DC would be awesome.

Regardless what you decide to do, good luck, and I'll be happy to try it.

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oh god i cant wait for this hope also get support for D64ex port :) but mostly im just looking for something that replace DC. great to hear this kind of new!

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Thanks for your support!
I will, on request be adding profiles with Bios and so on, also, a chat functionality is already implemented and working well.
If anybody has any other suggestions, I will be happy to implement them if possible.

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After a quick internet search, I have confirmed that I can definitely add support for Doom 64 EX. All I require to add engines is:

- The create server command line argument/parameter e.g "-host" or "-server"
- The IWad parameter (if required, some engines like Zandronum don't need this) e.g "-iwad"
- The PWad parameter e.g "-file", "-pwad"
and the join server command e.g "-connect", "+connect" etc.
DoomLink also supports additional, engine specific parameters such as "-fullscreen" if required.

I may also implement the ability to add your own engine, entering the above parameters themselves.

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cool. I understand that its still early and a WIP, but future updates are going to improve it, right?.

Still, the first Doom 64 EX server... An incredible achievement. Will it be possible for your Doom Link?

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Good luck!

My biggest memory with Doom Connector was helping people get the source ports configured with it and helping them forward the necessary ports for file transfer and the various source ports.

Then proceeding to kick their ass in Execution! ;)

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Hey there,
Thanks for the links.
Firstly, I believe that my initial time estimation was greatly exaggerated, as I am having trouble closing rooms after they are created. Second, from its Wiki, I could not find Odamex's server commands, I.E -server and -connect. Does anybody know the arguments.

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Hi, just thought I'd give a progress update!

There's still a lot to do, and, trust me, it's getting done. Since my last post, I have written/began to write the following features:

- Login system (passwords are encrypted on the server)
- Create and join room is now polished (Zandronum only, I am working on multiple engine support)
- Engine configuration files for quick edits and custom engines

As mentioned above, I have begun work on a configuration file system, based on IDs, which should make customising and adding engines rather easy.
Here is an example of Zandronum's config file:

    #DOOMLINK Engine Configuration File
    engine config {
	description="Formerly Skulltag, Zandronum revolves around multiplayer."
	argextra="-upnp 10666"

    #  	Zandronum.ini Config File
    #	One of the default files, included with DoomLink
    #	Written by Adam Soutar
    #	The creator of this script did not write the engine!
Using this template, it would really help me out if some community members could create the config files for their favourite engines. You may credit your configuration files using comments (#) after the closing bracket (}).


It appears that Doomworld doesn't accept formatting very well, the lines inside the engine config { section have tabs before them (You can use a tab or a space).

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Just wondering will it allow specfying Master server urls manually for custom engines (means browsing servers right from Specified master servers for custom engines aswell) ?, That's another feature that current server browsers lack :) .

EDIT : You're missing the iwad argument, it's -iwad .

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I left the IWad argument out of the config because Zandronum saves your IWad location and automatically uses it, however, I will add it incase somebody has not yet configured their Zandronum directory. As for master servers, I shall most definitely look into it.

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