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Doom with MIDI sound effects


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Earlier today it was discovered that the DMX sound library used in the Doom games supported a heretofore-unknown sound format. It's of course been long known that DMX format 0 was for PC speaker sounds, and DMX format 3 was for your normal digitized sound effects, but DMX formats 1 and 2 were pretty much a mystery. Turns out they are for something that DMX called GSS, which was, in short, a way for a game to use specially crafted MIDI files directly as sound effects.

I suggested to jmickle66666666 that it might be possible to convert the PC speaker sound effects into this special MIDI format. Turns out the format was nearly identical, so jmickle66666666 made a little script to convert all the PC speaker sounds into the MIDI-esque format.

Then using doom2.exe and only doom2.exe, you first have to edit the default.cfg to set snd_sfxdevice to "6". Then you can use this WAD: http://www.doomworld.com/linguica/gss/dmx_midi.zip

Now we just need to wait for Chocolate Doom to fully support this vital vanilla-engine feature.

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How about tuned frequency maps? I imagine you all are still tinkering with this but I think it'd be quite magically to tune all of the sounds to, say, the major scale!

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Someone should create a map which is essentially made up of giant instruments for its architecture, this would fit it perfectly.

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Maybe can work better with OPL sounds? I mean, I don't know how this stuff works, but there some DOS games that only uses fm synthesis for sound effects. Wolf 3D have this option too.

This one is my favorite:

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I guess this means the mobile Doom RPG sound effects could be adapted to the PC version now! Lol.

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Hm, that's strange. The OPL won't work unless you rename the sounds DAxxx (I don't have a wad on hand currently for you to test with, at work currently), but 6 should work with the one provided. Is the midi soundtrack playing correctly?

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On the one hand it was kind of expectable, given that Wolf3D used "midi sounds" as well (actually, carefully crafted OPL sequences, but whatever). On the other hand, I can see why they decided to just let it die quietly.

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After giving the video a quick watch, I'm glad they didn't make use of this, heh. That said, how closely could various sound effects be made using standard midi sounds?

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Honestly I expected the mysterious sound formats to be for Adlib (OPL) sounds. There's precedent for that: the AudioT files used in previous id games such as Wolfenstein 3D or Commander Keen had a three tiered approach for sounds: PC speaker, Adlib, and PCM. (But then it turns out the PCM sound format from AudioT was never actually used, and instead for Wolfenstein they put the PCM in VSWAP and in a different PCM format.)

That it turned out to be for MIDI sound effects was a surprise.

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It is time for a Doom The Musical WAD! Could also make a Doom Band with DeHackEd and some way to trigger the sounds. Then before you know it, people will be remaking D_E1M1 in the game similar to how they do it with Mario Paint.

The MIDI stuff can allow for multiple sounds to be played at once rather than only a single sound with the PC speaker. Also, the MIDI sounds could be balanced to either left/right and the further away a sound is the lower it plays.

Luckily for me I insisted on using raw MIDI access (instead of giving an entire MIDI to some library) so C ReMooD could easily implement this feature. However, I am in the middle of a rewrite.

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Warning! Once you hear them, they cannot be unheard!

Speaking of MIDI, I never did get to hear them back in the old days when I had to run it in DOS, so I missed out

...'course, I was just a kid and didn't know much

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Cool stuff. I'd love to see more sound effects. Bet you can get some nice monster screams using the voice instruments.

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