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Doom with MIDI sound effects


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Fair enough. I don't know much about GS. But maybe there are software MIDI players that can do what I describe.

LogicDeLuxe said:

Does Doom support SysEx when playing regular MIDI files?

I think it should work as normal - if you're using MPU-401 output DMX should just pass all the events through to whatever device you have connected. I've never tried though.

But in this case it's not really relevant because the MIDI sound effects are very, very limited. All you can really do is play a single note of a single instrument and bend the pitch around. You can't even play more than one sound effect at once.

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fraggle said:

But in this case it's not really relevant because the MIDI sound effects are very, very limited. All you can really do is play a single note of a single instrument and bend the pitch around. You can't even play more than one sound effect at once.

You could upload samples with the intro music file and then play them with the MIDI sound effect capabilities.
I don't have a sampler device to try that, though.

Is it exactly known what was changed in DMX code between Doom versions? The missing pitch variations since Doom 1.4 beta are a side effect of DMX change, I've read.

I also remember Gravis Ultrasound sounding much cleaner in early versions of Doom. I don't know if this is due to a change in Doom or in the DMX code.

Is it known what caused some 486's to crash in v1.666 when playing Adlib music?

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i think it would sound better with the "48 Timpani" sound. Crazy drum rolls to the PC speaker SFX.

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Gez said:

Well that was a good thing because the superglobalmegacorp stuff is now hidden behind a username/password thing and gives you an error 401.

And that might have been as a result from this thread.

Yeah I noticed that yesterday too. Thanks Linguica for the mirror.

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I am still fairly convinced that this was *mostly* meant for Ad Lib users because of the fact that Ad Lib cards don't support PCM. Period. That it will use the format if snd_sfxDevice is forced to value 2 "AdLib" more or less proves it, yes? The idea that it was meant for wavetable seems a stretch to me, though perhaps a really capable synth could have done that. In 1993, that would have been quite limited, mostly to external synthesizers - perhaps why the other 3 devices are called MPU - the MPU is the chip responsible for communicating with MIDI devices, internal or external, in the PC.

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Sodaholic said:

Nice that it got snagged for the historical value, I guess the guy got a C&D for hosting it publicly?

The owner of the site took it down when questioned about it.

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I want to see people start just recording Doom gameplay sessions with different MIDI instruments assigned to different actions, guns, monsters, etc, then just compile MP3s of the sessions into albums.
It'll be the new "artsy" musical movement.
With more aesthetics than Vaporwave.

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The Civ said:

I want to see people start just recording Doom gameplay sessions with different MIDI instruments assigned to different actions, guns, monsters, etc, then just compile MP3s of the sessions into albums.
It'll be the new "artsy" musical movement.
With more aesthetics than Vaporwave.

This guy's got the right idea

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well, as I said... a long time ago I did some sounds with the adlib tracker II, recorded as a wav file and them put in a old project of mine (now on hiatus), where I tried to reimagine Doom as a classic wolf-clone.

If anyone want to see the result, I recorded a showcase-playthrough-thing.

yes... i'm playing bad and cheating
at 08:43 I typed IDKFA and muted the music to show other weapons

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Noiser said:

well, as I said... a long time ago I made some sounds on adlib tracker II, recorded as a wav file and them put in a old project of mine (now on hiatus), where I tried to reimagine Doom as a classic wolf-clone.

If anyone want to see the result, I recorded a showcase-playthrough-thing.


yes... i'm playing bad and cheating
at 08:43 I typed IDKFA and muted the music to show other weapons

Got a link to the WAD in that vid?
Looks sweet, and I can't find it anywhere.

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^ Nope, this is a old WIP thing currently on hiatus... unfortunaly it's not ready for a release.

Thanks anyway. I tried to be as accurate as possible to get that kind of "feelin" from old games.

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Oh neat, I'm away from the computer for most of a week and cool things are discovered. Now I want to add MT-32 support to Doom...

LogicDeLuxe said:

I also remember Gravis Ultrasound sounding much cleaner in early versions of Doom. I don't know if this is due to a change in Doom or in the DMX code.

Probably this (in brief: hardware mixing in early versions sounds good but sometimes locks up the system, software mixing in later versions is more reliable but there's no filtering so it sounds worse).

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