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Remove Wad from Database Request


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Not sure if I'm able to myself as author. If so I don't know the method. If someone of authority / power can remove the entire wad from the database it would be appreciated.

My rationale is primarily due to a vast amount of errors and poor design decisions that I no longer tolerate as I learn more. In the future I will only submit my wad to the database once it is a complete Megawad. For now I will just upload updates on a free provider and offer it for testing.

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The archive's point is to preserve history. IMO it's damn wrong to want anything removed from it just because somebody considered it not quality enough, even if this somebody was the author himself, or the archive maintainer for that matter. Sure, if either of them decides and states that he wants it, period, it should be respected and the entry removed, but what I'm criticising is the mentality.

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scifista42 said:

The archive's point is to preserve history. IMO it's damn wrong to want anything removed from it just because somebody considered it not quality enough, even if this somebody was the author himself, or the archive maintainer for that matter. Sure, if either of them decides and states that he wants it, period, it should be respected and the entry removed, but what I'm criticising is the mentality.

My intention is to make room for the complete version of the wad in the future. I believe it's poor habit and creates unnecessary clutter if multiple versions of the same wad were to be submitted, especially if one just offered a significantly cut down and buggy version. I shouldn't of submitted it to the database in first place knowing it was incomplete and have the intention to continue work on it.

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I still disagree even in this case, also you could (at least) ask to remove the file from the database after actually releasing the new version. Who knows when you disappear from the community forever, or anything else preventing you from ever completing the wad, making the wad lost.

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scifista42 said:

The archive's point is to preserve history.

Then why do they reject UAC Labs. :( Nice selective preserving there.

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Chezza said:

My intention is to make room for the complete version of the wad in the future.

You shouldn't worry too much about that, since unless you give a different filename to the full version, any update will overwrite the existing file already on the archive.

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