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[Released] PSX Doom: The Lost Levels

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It's been a long time coming, but just a day over three years after the official announcement of the project, we can finally call this project done.



PSX Doom: The Lost Levels is an add-on for the PlayStation Doom TC. When the PlayStation ports of Doom, Doom II, the Master Levels and Final Doom were made, many maps had to be cut out to comply with the limitations of the console itself.
This begs the question, with the visual/atmospheric changes that PSX Doom brought us, what would those lost levels have been like if they'd made it on to the port?

This project is the answer to that question. With all the analysis of the PSX limitations - and my god there were a lot of them - we like to think the authenticity in our conversions is more or less optimal.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the project, and special thanks to those whom without this couldn't have been possible, Dragonsbrethren, DeXiaZ, Salahmander2, and too many others to name off the top of my head.

Note that you need the base TC first to play this.
Download PSX Doom: The Lost Levels - Updated 2017-04-09

Optional add-on soundtrack by Dexiaz
Optional voiceover for the end screen

Map listing, with credits to whoever converted the map. Secret maps are in italics.


Ultimate Doom
   LOST01: Forsaken Keep - NoneeLlama (E3M1)
   LOST02: Slough of Despair - NoneeLlama
      LOST62: Warrens - NoneeLlama, Salahmander2
   LOST03: They Will Repent - fenderc01
   LOST04: Against Thee Wickedly - DeXiaZ
      LOST63: Lost Sewers - BaronOfStuff (XBox E1M10)
   LOST05: And Hell Followed - Avoozl  
      LOST64: Fear - fenderc01
   LOST06: Dis - BaronOfStuff

Doom II
   LOST07: Downtown - DeXiaZ
      LOST65: Betray - DeXiaZ (XBox MAP33)
   LOST08: Industrial Zone - DeXiaZ
      LOST66: The Castle - BaronOfStuff (MAP31)
         LOST67: The Escape - BaronOfStuff (MAP32)
   LOST09: Gotcha! - DeXiaZ
   LOST10: The Chasm - fenderc01, Salahmander2
   LOST11: The Spirit World - Salahmander2
   LOST12: The Living End - Salahmander2
Master Levels
   LOST13: Garrison - DeXiaZ
   LOST14: Titan Manor - DeXiaZ
   LOST15: Trapped on Titan - DeXiaZ
   LOST16: Bloodsea Keep - Dragonsbrethren
   LOST17: Mephisto's Mausoleum - DeXiaZ
   LOST18: Black Keep (BLACKTWR.WAD) - DeXiaZ
   LOST19: Elevator to Hell - pcorf
      LOST68: Bad Dream - BaronOfStuff

TNT: Evilution
   LOST20: Power Control - Salahmander2
   LOST21: Hanger - DeXiaZ
   LOST22: Open Season - Avoozl
   LOST23: Prison - DeXiaZ
   LOST24: Metal - DeXiaZ
   LOST25: Stronghold - Salahmander2
   LOST26: Redemption - BaronOfStuff
      LOST73: The Innermost Dens - Eris Falling (Reject master level, TWM01.wad)
   LOST27: Storage Facility - DeXiaZ
   LOST28: Steel Works - pcorf
   LOST29: Dead Zone - Salahmander2
      LOST69: Pharaoh - Eris Falling
         LOST70: Caribbean - DeXiaZ
   LOST30: Mill - DeXiaZ
   LOST31: Shipping/Respawning - DeXiaZ
   LOST32: Central Processing - DeXiaZ
   LOST33: Administration Center - pcorf
   LOST34: Habitat - DeXiaZ
   LOST35: Baron's Den - Avoozl
   LOST36: Mount Pain - DeXiaZ
   LOST37: River Styx - Cryo
   LOST61A: Last Call - BaronOfStuff

   LOST38: Well of Souls - Dragonsbrethren
   LOST39: Caged - Dragonsbrethren
   LOST40: Caughtyard - Eris Falling
   LOST41: Realm - Salahmander2
   LOST42: Abattoire - Salahmander2
   LOST43: Hunted - DeXiaZ
   LOST44: Speed - DeXiaZ
   LOST45: The Crypt - Salahmander2
   LOST46: Genesis - Salahmander2
   LOST47: The Twilight - DeXiaZ
      LOST71: Cyberden - BaronOfStuff
         LOST72: Go 2 It - BaronOfStuff
   LOST48: The Omen - DeXiaZ
   LOST49: Compound - Salahmander2
   LOST50: Neurosphere - Eris Falling
   LOST51: NME - Salahmander2
   LOST52: Slayer - Salahmander2
   LOST53: Impossible Mission - DeXiaZ
   LOST54: Tombstone - BaronOfStuff
   LOST55: The Final Frontier - Salahmander2
   LOST56: Temple of Darkness - Salahmander2
   LOST57: Bunker - DeXiaZ
   LOST58: Anti-Christ - Salahmander2
   LOST59: The Sewers - DeXiaZ
   LOST60: Odyssey of Noises - Nuxius, DeXiaZ
   LOST61B: Gateway of Hell - BaronOfStuff
   LOST61C: Icon of Sin - BaronOfStuff

Bonus maps
   LOST61: Last Gateway of Sin - BaronOfStuff (All 3 maps merged)
   LOST17D: DeXiaZ's Mausoleum (original conversion of MEPHISTO.WAD

At last, PSX Doom is complete. Have fun!


Edited by Eris Falling

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Before registering here, I'd been lurking long enough to see the very start of this project unfold. It's been three years since then, but it all still feels as if it were moments away, despite the haziness of the memory. I can only congratulate everyone involved for putting their blood, sweat, and etc into making this thing become a reality, and to be as accurate to the original's limitations as possible.

You're all pretty great.

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I can not express my gratitude towards those who made this through text.

Seriously, thanks to the team responsible and here is to the hope that one day a future PSX PWAD being made (that I will actually take part in).

I mean why not, you all clearly have the skill to pull it off and make it look like Williams actually made it.

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First of all, congratulations for finishing a project of this size.
I will slowly work myself throught this little surprise here.

Secondly, i dont know why, but it seems that gzdoom cant find the music-files if you use the pack provided by you.
Maybe I'm actually dumb and doing something wrong, but not sure.
I used the drag&drop method to execute all the stuff.

Just wanted to inform you about that.

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death112 said:

Secondly, i dont know why, but it seems that gzdoom cant find the music-files if you use the pack provided by you.
Maybe I'm actually dumb and doing something wrong, but not sure.
I used the drag&drop method to execute all the stuff.

Just wanted to inform you about that.

No, for music addon you should use .bat file commands (for old versions of PSX TC) or PSX Doom Manager exe file (you can find it in last version of PSX TC).

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Where is caco stuck? I don't recognize this place.

About bars - no, you'll never open them by keys. You should find the way to open door to teleport near those bars (look at right of your screen). You can find the switch near the yellow key (just walk through floor line).

Anyway, you needn't get through those bars if you're not planning to find secret_exit

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yeah, thats the thing. i explored the whole level. cyberdemon lurking around further to the right.

well, basically this map is like e4m6, thats why im so confused.

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Great to see it finally done. :)

Well I guess I can say that this is the first game project that I have ever contributed to. :P

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So...LOST04, approaching the yellow platform doesn't open that marble door on the left. In fact sector tag 5 (the door itself) has no linedef at all to trigger it.
Don't tell me this has been broken all this time and no one noticed it.

EDIT: OK so I see the map is still completable, but only by means of a secret area...

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Eris Falling said:

So...LOST04, approaching the yellow platform doesn't open that marble door on the left. In fact sector tag 5 (the door itself) has no linedef at all to trigger it.
Don't tell me this has been broken all this time and no one noticed it.

EDIT: OK so I see the map is still completable, but only by means of a secret area...

It's not really good news. I didn't noticed this bug.

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Yesterday I had a Lost Levels marathon, truly outstanding work guys. These levels really feel like they could have been part of the PS1 version of Doom. The design, the moody lighting and moody music really all mesh together into an experience.

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Wow. Nice surprise.

Now get crackin on the NRFTL and D64 psx levels. :P

Seriously though, thanks for all the hard work and making this happen. Gonna plow through this tonight.

Thanks again and great job guys.

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DeXiaZ said:

Guys, mini-update:

This pk3 adds voiceover to ending text for Final Doom and The Lost Levels. Special thanks to ScottGray for ACS help, MadCharacter for voiceover and AquapunK for demon-voice-effect

This file also adds updated credits line with 3 names (MadCharacter and Aquapunk and HDoomguy for music help)


DAMN, those voices are badass. Nice job!

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I know I haven't posted here much since PC_CP2. But gotta say PSX Doom The Lost Levels was simply great. Great effort guys! (including me :D)

I tell you .... Express Elevator to Hell was a challenge because of that elevator at the start and it needed to be split into 2 sections to avoid surpassing the 256 heights. I know I probably had two of the toughest maps to convert, Administration Center and Express Elevator to Hell.

That sewers map was brilliant in PSX form! I remember playing it many years ago in those shareware CD's with all the 1994 wads.

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pcorf said:

That sewers map was brilliant in PSX form! I remember playing it many years ago in those shareware CD's with all the 1994 wads.

Why thank you! T'was a swine to get looking authentic, mainly because the original was such an ugly, chaotically messy POS!

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Congrats on this getting officially released guys. Can't wait to dig into this. :)



PSX NRFTL, Perdition's Gate, Hell 2 Pay, and Lost Episodes of Doom when :v

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Nems said:



PSX NRFTL, Perdition's Gate, Hell 2 Pay, and Lost Episodes of Doom when :v


After PSX PC Doom 64

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