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[Released] PSX Doom: The Lost Levels

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Sorry to post in a (somewhat) dormant thread, but this is something I've been wondering for a while. Has anybody ever tried porting the original PC versions of the maps that WERE in PSX Doom over? It might sound pointless but PSX Doom's downside, even with the TC, is the fact that the Doom 1 levels were ported from the Jaguar version, leaving some parts really bland looking in comparison. How cool would it be to have the fully textured PC maps with the coloured sectors and all the other enhancements the PS1 version had! Where computer rooms look like computer rooms, instead of random metal mazes, the original Spawning Vats instead of the 'Castle' all of that.


I know you can just add the PSX sounds and music into Ultimate Doom but that doesn't include all the other enhancements and sector lighting and things. It's something I've always wanted to see.

Edited by FreakZoneGames

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The answer depends on PLATFORM you're mentioning.


For PC - there was a beta project with this idea. As far as I know it's abandoned.

For PSX - nobody did this yet. And I think it's still not really possible to do it just because the allowed texture variety is small.

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Apologies. I meant for PC :)


A beta project huh? If I can find it I could have a go at resurrecting it if I can find the time.


The other thing I considered was trying to retro-fit coloured sectors into the levels without having to edit and upload the levels themselves (for legal reasons), kinda like this:



If I remember rightly ZDoom at one point had coloured sectors as something you could apply in external patches instead of editing the maps themselves. I can't find any info on that any more though. The rest could just be done by 'borrowing' elements from the PSX TC.

But yeah, if that project is something that existed I'd like to be able to find it and take a look!


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10 hours ago, FreakZoneGames said:

If I remember rightly ZDoom at one point had coloured sectors as something you could apply in external patches instead of editing the maps themselves. I can't find any info on that any more though.


For such things you need to create your own thread. But I'll say that you need to create ACS a kinda complex script with Changing Color action.

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Gotcha. In fact I think I remember starting this exact scripting method once years ago, but it was pre-GZDoom so software rendering didn’t look great. I’ll try it again sometime! Thank you. I’ll refrain from going off topic any more and if I take this any further I’ll make a thread.

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