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Need advice on new wad to play

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I just beat Kama Sutra and I've also beaten:

Hell Revealed (1 and 2)
Scythe (1 and 2)
Alien Vendetta
Unholy Realms
Plutonia Revisited
Plutonia 2

along with a few others... looking for something along the lines of this difficulty on UV

Thanks for any hellp

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Thanks guys. Before I read the replies I downloaded Speed of Doom. Pretty solid so far. I've played Going Down. I'll try Valiant after

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When I need a new wad to play I just look at the past playthroughs on the Doomworld megawad club thread and select one from there. Downloads are all linked and you can read reviews and critiques as you play along (if you care for that)

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dt_ said:

When I need a new wad to play I just look at the past playthroughs on the Doomworld megawad club thread and select one from there. Downloads are all linked and you can read reviews and critiques as you play along (if you care for that)

he specifically wanted wads with similar difficulty to what he had played before though (which seems to be fairly challenging wads/slaughter.


Stardate 20X6 and Swim with the Whales should be up your alley, too. also both Deus Vult 1 and 2.

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You should check out Back to Saturn X. It is two nearly full-length megawads (episodes) with a third still in development. While the first episode isn't as difficult as alien vendetta or hell revealed, the second episode is much harder and even features a full-blown slaughter map for map 31. Playing both in sequence is highly recommended!

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pizzabob18 said:

You should check out Back to Saturn X. It is two nearly full-length megawads (episodes) with a third still in development. While the first episode isn't as difficult as alien vendetta or hell revealed, the second episode is much harder and even features a full-blown slaughter map for map 31. Playing both in sequence is highly recommended!

I played both. Awesome wads. Awaiting the 3rd.

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joe-ilya said:

Go to cacowards and play everything there is. The amount of people asking for recommendations is getting ridicilous.

I've found the majority of wads through cacowards, but I was just looking for opinions on the mapsets I prefer. I don't like heavily modified wads. I like more classic style wads with some amped up difficulty.

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