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Valiant: Vaccinated Edition (on idgames)

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I wanted to play Valiant with Demonsteele.

This is the result: a stripped down version of my megawad with full gameplay mod compatibility. All custom monsters and weapons have been removed from this version.

If you've wanted to play Valiant with a gameplay mod, here's your chance. If you want to play Valiant but hated the custom monsters, here's your chance (although it's going to be a bit easy!). This release should work in PrBoom-plus -complevel 9, Eternity, and all ZDoom based ports, and probably any other port with support for Boom and ZDBSP compressed nodes.

I haven't fully playtested all the levels so there may be some issues. I played through a dozen or so at random. Let me know if you find anything to fix.

Have fun.


Why compromise your artistic vision and release this without all the Valiant monsters?
I just wanted to play Valiant with DemonSteele and thought others may also enjoy having the chance. Of course, I consider the original release the definitive version.

Why did you recolor the UI graphics to red?
So if I see someone streaming, posting videos on youtube, or taking screenshots of their playthrough, I can immediately/effortlessly identify which version they are using (and harass them for their poor choices).

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This is really interesting!
Valiant by itself was already a fantastic release (one of the top of 2015, IMO) but it'll be really interesting to see how different gameplay mods handle these encounters.

Of course, I may be slightly biased, but I'm excited for more Valiant nonetheless. Now there's another reason to play it even more!

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But seriously, this should be great to really test DemonSteele out on!

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I still have one last episode to beat from the original one. I'm gonna try this one with some gameplay mode after I beat the fifth episode. Thank you for your consideration. :)

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If it's only ever going to be useful for those that use GZDoom gameplay mods, why not just port the custom weapons/monsters to Decorate?

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Jaxxoon R said:

If it's only ever going to be useful for those that use GZDoom gameplay mods, why not just port the custom weapons/monsters to Decorate?

Since a lot of gameplay mods replace the monsters as well as the weapons, I decided to just use the standard monsters to make sure the mod would replace everything, more or less for consistency.

glenzinho said:

This is a tremendous service that you've done, thank you for this skillsaw.

It took only a few hours. Not a big deal, and I did it out of a selfish motivation anyway!

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Valiant is wonderful and gorgeous. It will be interesting to play again with vanilla monsters. Thanks
BTW, I will not use any gameplay mod. Maybe I should try with Smooth Doom.

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Lol, didn't the cybruisers replace the spiderdemons though? What will happen if I were to put brutal doom with this? Would I see spiderdemons instead of the cybruisers? (sorry if this may seem as a stupid question ^^")

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The_Trigger said:

Lol, didn't the cybruisers replace the spiderdemons though? What will happen if I were to put brutal doom with this? Would I see spiderdemons instead of the cybruisers? (sorry if this may seem as a stupid question ^^")

The monsters are changed in the actual levels.

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rdwpa said:

The monsters are changed in the actual levels.

Ah, I see.

Thx for clarifying this ;)

Although, I already ran into some sort of bug in map one. One pit (in the area surrounding the yellow keyed door) containing a mancubus doesn't rise up so you can fall down and never go back up (unless you use noclip). This was the case with brutal doom at least. Also, I was using gzdoom.

EDIT: Yup, for some reason, if I use BD, the floor doesn't rise up. But it works without BD. No idea why.

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The_Trigger said:

Although, I already ran into some sort of bug in map one. One pit (in the area surrounding the yellow keyed door) containing a mancubus doesn't rise up so you can fall down and never go back up (unless you use noclip). This was the case with brutal doom at least. Also, I was using gzdoom.

EDIT: Yup, for some reason, if I use BD, the floor doesn't rise up. But it works without BD. No idea why.

Ah, I've fixed this issue. Brutal Doom changes the Invisibility into a (blocking) helper marine: the Mancubus and helper marine were stuck on top of each other, which somehow also blocked the pit. I'll check to see if there are more instances of this issue occurring and I'll fix them later on today.

If anyone more familiar with Brutal Doom knows which non-blocking items are replaced with blocking items please let me know, that would speed up the process for me a lot. Otherwise, I'll figure it out somehow.

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Sorry I'm posting without actually playing it to see for myself, but is the gameplay compromised much? In valiant you received 75 bullets per bulletbox pickup, which is a pretty significant step up from 50. Also the guns fire slower in standard Doom, so does that make Valiant: VE even harder in a way?

It seems like a pretty selfless and tremendous effort to go through all the maps you made and restructure them for an entirely different gameplay standard, and that is worthy of some serious congratulations :)

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Generally, this version should be quite a bit easier, although there are some panic situations where you'll really miss the super chaingun. I'm going to try to get some more thorough playtesting in this weekend.

Also, you'll have to use the berserk occasionally to compensate for the reduced bullet count - it was never necessary at all in the original version, even though it's provided on every map (mainly because the changed monsters were annoying to punch) but you can get away with punching monsters to conserve your ammo a bit. I can adjust ammo upwards if necessary but _most_ maps are already quite generous.

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Somewhere someone's tacking a couple extra sentences onto the end of his Cacowards writeup. :)

In all seriousness, though, this is a super cool thing to do. Kudos.

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Does this version get rid of all those annoying snipers?

Nah but seriously this sounds pretty good. Perhaps when I get around to playing Demonsteele I'll play it with this version of Valiant for a change, instead of just running it off Doom 1/2 like I'd normally do with a gameplay mod.

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thanks a lot, skillsaw. tbh i'll miss the custom monsters, which were very well chosen, but on the other hand i'm curious how valiant turns out with mods.

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Pirx said:

thanks a lot, skillsaw. tbh i'll miss the custom monsters, which were very well chosen, but on the other hand i'm curious how valiant turns out with mods.

Well, the old version isn't going anywhere :D

Anyways, thanks all, glad that some of you are interested in trying Valiant out with a mod!

I played through the whole thing with Brutal Doom just to see if there were any other issues to fix. I found a few minor problems - all the maps are completable now when using Brutal Doom (MAP07 and MAP18 include major barrel chains that REALLY slow the game down when they are set off, though. nNthing I can do about that). I can't possibly test every gameplay mod out there so hopefully issues that break the maps completely aren't common.

Here's an updated version (same link):

-adjusted ammo/monster placement in just a couple of places to balance for loss of custom content
-Fixed some blocking hanging corpses that dehacked made non-blocking in the original version
-Fixed a bug that made MAP08 incompletable in anything (bug will remain forever in the original valiant.wad, I guess)

I'll probably play through this again with another mod this week and then call it done. I'm debating whether or not I will upload this edition to the archives, but I am leaning towards yes, just to make sure it sticks around even if I disappear. I'm just not crazy about having two versions of the same wad on idgames.

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skillsaw said:

I'll probably play through this again with another mod this week and then call it done. I'm debating whether or not I will upload this edition to the archives, but I am leaning towards yes, just to make sure it sticks around even if I disappear. I'm just not crazy about having two versions of the same wad on idgames.

Make sure to put in the "note to the archive maintainer" section that this is not an update or a replacement.

Alternatively, reupload the original Valiant zip with this added in a "bonus" subdirectory.

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