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Map idea...


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This may be a dumb idea, but... for the first map of Freedoom Phase 2, maybe it could be redesigned to be a showcase for the current and new textures.

For example, at the beginning, you could have two doors, one which would lead to a passage that ends the level and leads to what is currently the first level, and another door that leads to a sort of museum (maybe make it map 32 or something), with rooms that just show off the textures that exist in Freedoom (and of course this could potentially be modified to show extra textures that aren't "compatible" with Doom 1/2), and maybe have glass cases with monsters in them, or something along that vein to allow players to look at the monsters.

Maybe even have shooting galleries with monsters, weapons, and ammo in them, so that artists can easily test to see how they function in the game. But no monsters in the main gallery area, to avoid killing the player.

This probably sounds silly, but it probably wouldn't hurt to have a map that allows end users to easily see what kinds of actual progress have been made between updates (and it might encourage mappers if they know what is available for them to use).

A room with unfinished textures/monsters (*cough*arch-vile*cough*) would probably also be a good idea...

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CWolfRu said:

Did you inspired by MW2 "museum" level?

It will not work there.

Then, NO.

I don't want to be rude, but I don't know what you are referencing, and your broken English makes it hard to understand what you are trying to express, beyond the dismissal of my idea.

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frithiof said:

I don't want to be rude, but I don't know what you are referencing, and your broken English makes it hard to understand what you are trying to express, beyond the dismissal of my idea.

It's okay.

I'm about this thing.

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But that still leaves the question of "Why would this be bad for Freedoom?"

Dismissing an idea because it was implemented poorly in another game is not necessarily a good idea... (for example, what is your actual objection to my idea?)

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Yeah, this doesn't sound like a good idea from the perspective of making a fun game. Catoptromancy already has a test map in the project, which is intentionally not built into any of the IWADs.

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chungy said:

Yeah, this doesn't sound like a good idea from the perspective of making a fun game. Catoptromancy already has a test map in the project, which is intentionally not built into any of the IWADs.


Sorry about all of this...

edit: The test map is pretty cool, just to see what's available, and what's been done. Making it map 33, and inaccessible without using the level warp cheat probably wouldn't be the worst of ideas... but that's just my opinion.

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