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Question regarding texture application.


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What's up everyone, I'm new to Doom level creation and as the title says I have a question about textures.

So I made a light on my ceiling but it seems like the light texture repeats itself many times and I don't know how to make it fit the block it is applied to (or stretch it till I see the whole texture once on the block's surface).

This is what I'm talking about :

As you can see parts of the texture can be seen on the edges and I don't want that. I went into visual mode and pressed a or shift+a but nothing happens. I also checked the controls to find what each key does but no luck :(

Thank you for your time.

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AD_79 said:

Flat alignment is based on the (64) grid. Shift the room around a bit to align it better.

Yeah, by moving the room the texture is aligned a little better than before. Is there a way to stretch the texture so it's not repeated?

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If you're using ZDoom's UDMF, finding the sector's flat scaling property should be simple enough. Otherwise, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and find or create a version of the texture without the light, then border the sector with that texture.

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Arctangent said:

If you're using ZDoom's UDMF, finding the sector's flat scaling property should be simple enough. Otherwise, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and find or create a version of the texture without the light, then border the sector with that texture.

That exists already- CEIL5_1 ~

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Am I missing something here? If you're using UDMF and either DoomBuilder or GZDoomBuilder while in view mode can't you just select the texture with a left click and then drag it to the ideal alignment?

I must be missing something. Maybe you're using Doom in Doom format or something.

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If you're using vanilla doom format, you need to move the sector itself to proper position in order to align the flat(floor and ceiling) textures. If you don't want to move the sector, you need to make another flat texture that you aligned it via image editing tool and put it into the wad with the lump editor such as Slade 3.

If you want to make a large floor texture(larger than 64x64) in vanilla doom format, you need to separate the large texture to numerous 64x64 squares since the flat textures are strict to that 64x64 size in vanilla doom. For example, if you want to put floor texture with 256x256 size, you need to separate it to sixteen 64x64 squares with image editor, put these sixteen flat textures into a wad, and draw sixteen square sectors, place the textures like you're playing a puzzle.

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