koren Posted December 6, 2016 Standout single maps and smaller sets that really made this year something special and deserve serious consideration: Toilet of the Gods Legacy of Heroes Ovum or Eden Miasma Pepper Sparta 2: Project Vesuvius NH4/5/666 0 Share this post Link to post
Marlamir Posted December 6, 2016 i vote for Ancient Aliens, one of the best mod Which was released in 2016 0 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted December 6, 2016 I knew a wad would have slipped my mind. No end in sight, some proper classic ultimate doom with some real impressive scale and scope to immerse yourself in. Great to see this finally released. 0 Share this post Link to post
Vorpal Posted December 6, 2016 Not Jabba said:Mordeth Award: Alien Vendetta: Black Label map01 took 2 months, map02 took about 3 months. Playtesting added some months on top of that but still it's not like anything was advertised prior to the release of them (i.e. there was nobody sitting around anticipating and hyping for these maps, aside from perhaps my inner friendcircle) 0 Share this post Link to post
DeathevokatioN Posted December 6, 2016 Not Jabba said:Mapper of the Year: First Choice: Valkiriforce+1 0 Share this post Link to post
Not Jabba Posted December 6, 2016 Vorpal said:map01 took 2 months, map02 took about 3 months. Playtesting added some months on top of that but still it's not like anything was advertised prior to the release of them (i.e. there was nobody sitting around anticipating and hyping for these maps, aside from perhaps my inner friendcircle) Totally fair, and maybe I'm somewhat misunderstanding the history here, but I've been hearing rumors and requests for Valley of Echoes for many years, so it feels like it's been anticipated for a long time to me. In any case, it's a long and interesting development history, which I think is generally more important for the Mordeth Award than active development time. (Edit) Another solid contender for that award is Echelon -- sounds like bits and pieces of it come from scrapped Eternal Doom content, and the megawad itself began as a different project several years ago before before becoming what it is now. 0 Share this post Link to post
Major Cooke Posted December 7, 2016 bzzrak said:half of this thread is about D4D dammit I thought most of the attention was on the maps instead. :P Loved the bloodstain maps and the new gothic movement 2. 0 Share this post Link to post
Vorpal Posted December 7, 2016 Not Jabba said:but I've been hearing rumors and requests for Valley of Echoes for many years, so it feels like it's been anticipated for a long time to me. Oh ok I see what you mean. The history of VoE was that it was released with the main wad for 1 year, and then replaced with "Clandestine Complex". The re-release in avbl is a total overhaul because the original was a very important map to me but contained excessive gameplay grind and other 1998'isms 0 Share this post Link to post
Varis Alpha Posted December 7, 2016 man, so many contenders for mockawards this year. first there was Golden Souls Portable, then DooD, then Seinfeld.wad, and now Run For It! out of all of them though, i think either Run For It! or Seinfeld.wad should win, with a gentle steering towards Run For It! because you can run it with PWADs and it's probably the funnier one of the two. 0 Share this post Link to post
SArais Posted December 7, 2016 I vote Run For It for mockaward. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE96VqwW2zs 0 Share this post Link to post
Gamer With Dignity Posted December 7, 2016 Untamed64 said:I nominate Harambe.wad, made by TheGamingChiuaua for the MockAward O_o 0 Share this post Link to post
SuperCupcakeTactics Posted December 7, 2016 +1 The Inquisitor 3 Hopefully this won't be my only nomination ever :u 0 Share this post Link to post
Lingyan203 Posted December 7, 2016 My Nominations are: Bloodstain, Echelon, Mutiny, JPCP, and Ancient Aliens 0 Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted December 7, 2016 When are the Cacowards usually revealed? 0 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted December 7, 2016 Regardless of any prior posts in this thread, here's what I vote for: -JPCP for simply being a great megawad -DooD for mockaward (tough competition this year though!) -Warp House for best stadalone map -AeonDM for MP 0 Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted December 7, 2016 gaspe said:On Doom release date, December 10th. Thanks, that's quite close. Might as well do a final vote summary too. Single-Player: Bloodstain, Ancient Aliens, Urania Gameplay Mod: D4D, Project Brutality Mockaward: H-Doom, Trump Doom, Moonman Doom 0 Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted December 8, 2016 December 10th? Well then, here're my final nominations Megawad: Bloodstain, Ancient Aliens, Urania, THT: Threnody, JCP, Echelon Maps: Foursite, E1M4b/8b Multiplayer: AeonDM Gameplay: D4D, IMPatience, HDoom Mockaward: HDoom, DooD Mordeth Run For It (hey the author said he originally started it about two years ago, lost interest, then came back), Echelon (I could be wrong here) Honourable Mentions: IDKFA (there needs to a Best Music of the Year award) 0 Share this post Link to post
TMD Posted December 8, 2016 In conclusion: SP awards: miasma, AA, NEIS, bloodstain, ROMERO DOES STUFF Mock award: seinfeld.wad over run for it. Multiplayer: I dunno, 32in24-16. MOTY: valkiriforce or Romero Espi: quasar or Romero Audio visual as a new category, and award it to Dime 0 Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted December 8, 2016 Mayhem Mansion for being the most unique mod I've played this year. rf1024 is also insanely good. Ancient Aliens because duh?? HDoom bcuz bandwagon I nominate Quasar for the Espi Award for all the hard work he's done and what little recognition he gets for the UDMF format :P Urania for kicking my ass all over the place Chex Quest 20th: Galactic Conflict for taking me back to my childhood and finding that CD in my cereal box 0 Share this post Link to post
Fonze Posted December 8, 2016 I'll make a couple nominations this year: Mapper of the Year: rdwpa He has released (not really) many maps over the course of this year that are simply fantastic stand-alone maps, most of which are speedmaps and unlikely to be nominated themselves, which is a shame. Rdwpa is a mapper that proves that amazing visuals and fun gameplay are not mutually exclusive concepts. I would nominate Mech for mapper of the year, but it appears next year will be his year, assuming he finishes his current projects ;p Single map: Warp House Ed is a fantastic mapper and his great skill shows with every inch of Warp House. Once again proving that visuals and gameplay can both thrive in the same space is what sets this as a cut above. Megawad: Ancient Aliens Skillsaw and team achieved something big with this megawad, which will forever be regarded as one of the best we've ever seen. What order you place your favorite megawads in doesn't matter; this is there somewhere. 0 Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted December 8, 2016 Oh snap, cool. For posterity, the non-speedmaps are Ovum, Blank Space, and Eden. iw.wad is not among those at it's technically a largeform speedmap, if there is such a thing, with around 20 hrs of total work for ~an hour of casual play time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Not Jabba Posted December 8, 2016 Fonze said:I would nominate Mech for mapper of the year, but it appears next year will be his year, assuming he finishes his current projects ;p Afaik they've never totally ruled out the idea of someone getting Mapper of the Year twice, but Mech got it in 2009, so probably someone else next year. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted December 8, 2016 Just want to echo those saying Romero should have his own special category for this year. His maps / return were a huge thing for the community and at the same time there was so much great stuff this year and so many talented mappers/modders that I feel making an extra slot would be justified! 0 Share this post Link to post
Gothic Posted December 8, 2016 Nah, if Romero wins, he should just get a regular cacoward. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooM_RO Posted December 8, 2016 Ancient Aliens, Bloodstain, Mark's Starter Pack, D4D and Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony for sure. I hope Doom 2016 also gets some kind of mention. 0 Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted December 8, 2016 If people don't win a cacoward this year, it doesn't mean they lost. I think adding extra categories complicates things and if your favorite wads don't win, use the comments section to promote the stuff you nominated. Its a celebration of all the good stuff that happened in doom this year and its supposed to be user friendly for people who don't watch this site often but are looking for good stuff to play. I think pumping in extra categories can only serve to make things more messy. Cacoward writers have big shoes to fill and every year they have to be more compromising by making the honorable mentions list longer and longer. As wads get better and better over time, its likely that some truly great stuff that may have blown us a way a few years ago might not measure up today, and that's okay. They're still great wads and the fans will speak up. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kontra Kommando Posted December 8, 2016 I nominate H Doom Mike12 is a good artist. If there's a category for "best sprite artist", I think he deserves it. I also nominate: Trump Doom and Brutal Doom 64 0 Share this post Link to post
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