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Cacowards 2016 Nomination Thread


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Hmmn, Ok I KNOW I WILL get flak for this but... I do think perhaps hideous destructor should get an honorable mention for its sheer amount of development(its been "out" and improved on for almost a DECADE), and immense amount of features, and vastly different game-play than vanilla doom. I mean yes, its been "released" for many years, but its really evolved massively as far as a game-play mod, and is quite a spectacle for what doom can do with acs / decorate scripting, as well as making gameplay almost painfully realistic.

Kinda a shame that the "only this year" rule means a project doesn't get the opportunity to get recognition if they are let out early but constantly worked on, because I'm pretty sure there might be other projects like this.

Perhaps even a new category for such a situation.

Sorry if this is "obviously" against the rules, but I figure its worth mentioning, forgive me, but I think its worth it to make the argument... I mean, its been nearly a decade since it was first released, and was updates yesterday as of the day writing this, and doesn't show a sign of stopping improvements

Also I second Sergent marks starter pack, as i type this it was already released. Yeah I know a lot of people might hate mark, but the maps were rather well done, in multiple aspects.

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Angry Saint said:

Not completely: it is still 22 years I was waiting for another good Romero map.

Yeah but I don't think he was producing it within those 22 years. He probably made it in a week for all we know. Do we know?

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Well, we got DoomRL Arsenal cacowarded
Why not DoomRPG? It works wonders with DoomRL Arsenal and I assume it works really well on it's own too.

Also H-Doom, but what category? Mockaward? The Mockaward has censored genitalia so..

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I nominate John Romero's E1M8b.wad as a candidate for a Cacoward, and possibly an Espi award for Romero himself.

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Bloodstain ('nuff said)


H-Doom (you have to admit, the execution of the theme is flawless)

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Untamed64 said:

Also H-Doom, but what category? Mockaward? The Mockaward has censored genitalia so..

PronWard. New, special award.

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Chris Hansen said:

I nominate antares031 for best newcomer for doing something as ridiculous, but genuinely funny as this and for creating something as spectacular and stunning as this!

Along with these, I will second this nomination due to the glorious map he made for me in 2015 on my birthday.

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Nihility all the way. Squeezes massive atmosphere out of simple touches, it's so subtle and great.

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All these posts about H-Doom.. I had to actually take a proper gander to find out what it was.

Why did I do that.

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The H-Doom post from me was a joke, for this:

H-Doom is technically 18+ rated Doom mod, meaning that if it were awarded, it would be listed in the list of Cacoward winning mods. As a result, the presence of H-Doom in that list AND its download link would mean that the moderaters would have to make sure that only 18+ year olds can have access to list, a list that contains only ONE 18+ rated mod.

H-Doom deserves a award anyway. H-Doom is another way of playing Doom, and probably one of the most unique of them all.

So far, that impresses me just as Brutal Doom does.

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Voros said:

H-Doom deserves a award anyway since it wasn't made by some pervert who wanted a perverted Doom, but a small team making sure the sprites are perfect, the code is flawless and the sounds are elegant, like a professional.

Wanting the sprites to be perfect, the code flawless, and the sounds elegant does not disprove that the team is made of perverts who want a perverted Doom.

But I'll give them credit for Supershotkun, who is a good gag.

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I'm guessing if H-Doom would win some sort of award, it would most likely get a sidebar mention instead of an actual award because it's for adults only.

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Voros said:

H-Doom deserves a award [...]

So far, that impresses me just as Brutal Doom does.

Well, I guess we can agree there.


Nah, just kidding - I appreciate how much work and effort went into both Brutal Doom and H-Doom (though I haven't looked closely at H-Doom to confirm how "awesome" it is and frankly don't intend to..)

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Cacockcansukmycok said:


It already got a mention on the 2012 cacowards, almost getting a "worst wad" award.

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Voros said:

H-Doom deserves a award anyway since it wasn't made by some pervert who wanted a perverted Doom

as someone who contributed (a little bit of spriting) to this mod, i can confirm you are wrong and we are indeed a buncha pervs

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raymoohawk said:

as someone who contributed (a little bit of spriting) to this mod

You're a true hero Raymoohawk.

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raymoohawk said:

as someone who contributed (a little bit of spriting) to this mod, i can confirm you are wrong and we are indeed a buncha pervs

Well, it is better than those X-rated wads, so nice work!
I wonder which sprite you did though?

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