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Cacowards 2016 Nomination Thread


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For Best Gameplay Mod
+1 for Trailblazer and +1 for Guncaster Made by PillowBlaster,
His fashion are just great and very entertaining play Doom :D

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Hey I am new here but very old to doom, I make huge complex wads with fuckloads of new monsters, weapons, artifacts & textures in them from the 667 doom forum. I have 7 of them completed. Im not sure anyone makes them like this nor am I sure anyone will be interested in completely nuts wads. This is a link to 1 of 7 that I have done. I hope at least 1 person will enjoy playing this/these wad(s) Also, if this in not the correct place to post stuff; I am sorry about that = it was just the 1st place I could find to doso

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Byeblothingal 1024 said:

Hey I am new here but very old to doom, I make huge complex wads with fuckloads of new monsters, weapons, artifacts & textures in them from the 667 doom forum. I have 7 of them completed. Im not sure anyone makes them like this nor am I sure anyone will be interested in completely nuts wads. This is a link to 1 of 7 that I have done. I hope at least 1 person will enjoy playing this/these wad(s) Also, if this in not the correct place to post stuff; I am sorry about that = it was just the 1st place I could find to doso

"Byeblothingal 1024" for Newbie Award.

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+++ I also would like to nominate Sincity's Good Morning Phobos megawad. It plays like the best TNT and Plutonia maps, has amazing level design and architecture. Highly recommended if you enjoy classic wads with stunning visuals.

+++ Also Mano Laikos. I think it perfectly captures the gameplay of classic wads.

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fraggle said:

Espi award for Quasar. Printz already eloquently articulated why last year:

Thirded. Quasar has been a community pillar for a long time with the accomplishments to prove it. My other two suggestions for the award are Ling (duh) and manc, who has not been around as much recently but spent a very long time helping prop up many community projects over the past 15 years. Even now many important community sites and resources are running on his services.

Also for a wad, I think it's a no-brainer that Ancient Aliens receives an award.

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No Sleep For The Dead. Great stuff.
I would also like to nominate Andrew Hulshult's OST remake, but to what category it should go?

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Zapzop said:

No Sleep For The Dead. Great stuff.
I would also like to nominate Andrew Hulshult's OST remake, but to what category it should go?

A new one. "Best Doom Music of the Year" or something like that. Just for this year if possible.

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Voros said:

"Best Doom Music of the Year"

imo, I'd rather see this go to Ancient Aliens, even if it's already getting a main award.

Voros said:

Just for this year if possible.


edit: more on topic, nominating Threnody and Ancient Aliens, if I didn't post here already.

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Voros said:

A new one. "Best Doom Music of the Year" or something like that. Just for this year if possible.

It can certainly get a sidebar mention, but I don't see the point in a custom "main" award for just one year. Not when the sidebars are there just for giving custom mentions of various stuff that doesn't fit in a main award.

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Actually, yes, I completely agree that there should be some kind of award for either a music track or for a composer. I don't think the community's musicians get enough recognition for what they do, and it would be nice for them to get some kind of nod.

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Quick question: Since Cacowards aren't decided by popularity, is there any reason to repeatedly nominate something that's been mentioned before? Does it actually matter if X wad gets mentioned Y times in the thread?

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rileymartin said:

Quick question: Since Cacowards aren't decided by popularity, is there any reason to repeatedly nominate something that's been mentioned before? Does it actually matter if X wad gets mentioned Y times in the thread?

it matters enough for someone (like me) who has to decide which pwads to play during their limited free time to figure out which of the twenty megawads released this year i should really put my focus on, as long as it doesn't devolve in to slap fight conversations or goofy shit like the 2011 "skillsaw vs. valkiriforce" BDL vote campaign

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riderr3 said:

Can I nominate my own megawad?
Probably, I had to create a thread for this, but I did not.
It's supposed for vanilla doom but archive maintainers puts this to "ports" category.

Is there something special about it, something really special?

Is it well received by the public?

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Voros said:

Is there something special about it, something really special?

Is it well received by the public?

To follow on: Make a thread and see how well received it is. In my own opinion it looks bad to nominate yourself, so make other people like your work enough that they nominate it without being asked to, if possible!

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riderr3 said:

Can I nominate my own megawad?
Probably, I had to create a thread for this, but I did not.
It's supposed for vanilla doom but archive maintainers puts this to "ports" category.

I gave it a small go, and I didn't see anything that would make it deserve a Cacoward. Its just a cool megawad.
I am having fun with it though.

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I actually think his megawad is very cool (and cacoward worthy if it's as good as the first 4 levels). Gameplay is very challenging without it being a slaughter wad. Sorry for derailing the thread.

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rileymartin said:

Quick question: Since Cacowards aren't decided by popularity, is there any reason to repeatedly nominate something that's been mentioned before? Does it actually matter if X wad gets mentioned Y times in the thread?

Maybe we can create an "Audience Award" based on the number of votes in this thread...

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rileymartin said:

Quick question: Since Cacowards aren't decided by popularity, is there any reason to repeatedly nominate something that's been mentioned before? Does it actually matter if X wad gets mentioned Y times in the thread?

I think it would be pretty cool if people could vote for various nominated wads/mods even if the tally wan't taken into account in the decision making process. It would be cool to see what community members think before the awards are handed out without having to wade through 10 pages. It's rare for me to flat out disagree with what wins awards, but it has happened and I was left wondering how many felt the same.

I might tally up the votes so far once I get home, I'm curious what's been nominated the most.

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Doomkid said:

I might tally up the votes so far once I get home, I'm curious what's been nominated the most.

See page 8.

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