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CyberShade - Another Video

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CyberShade is a new game based on Chocolate-Doom. It uses a 16 color palette. It is kind of bullet hell, slaughter kind of game. It is still very WIP, but playable, totally standalone. So far all the assets are done by me, and maybe later Sodaholic does some improvements on the weapons and other gfx stuff.

I want to update this every couple weeks, once a month, or any time when there's major amount of new stuff available for it.

Features lots of enemies stacked up to the ceiling. New level editing possibilities that allow D2MAP07 like specials in any level with any enemies or items with any kind of action. Teleports can teleport to random locations without needing a different tag for every line/tele exit. Has ambient sounds, and sound system improvements: sounds have different radiuses, use z height, level geometry can occlude the sound and play less loud.

It has 4(+1) singleplayer/coop levels and 3 deathmatch levels. It allows 99 levels for both modes. Levels that don't exist are skipped, and finishing level 99 (or whatever was the last level) loops back to the first level, so you could play it forever. Also possible to use any sky in any level, up to 99 different skies can be used. Switches and animated textures are still kind of hardcoded. Liquid textures don't animate yet, I hope to be able to make some Quake like warping for them...

Yea, and since there's plenty of room for levels, if someone makes some cool levels for this, they can get included. Editor configs included for DB1, DB2 & GZDB, SLADE3 and Eureka, more stuff about level editing in editing.txt.

Automap has been improved to show nearby enemies, show important objectives with highlight, damage sectors are visible. In deathmatch the level is fully mapped, and the objective stuff allow highlighting the important stuff, so you can find the weapons and mega stuff easy.

Allows using Mouse Look (with decreased autoaim), or the Doom like Mouse Turn/Move (with increased autoaim). The setting is recorded into demos, so if you watch someone elses demo, you don't need to wonder what settings to use. Though multiplayer demos may desync if all players didn't use the same setting?

== Download: CyberShade - 20151214 ==

Teaser Level 69:

DeathMatch Levels:

The current titledemo loop:

Ok, go and record demos, and make 99+99 levels!

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It would work better with entirely cartoony graphics -- the grittier textures give the impression of a glitchy version of a '90s FPS or something, at least in the demo video.

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Oh damn! This is slick as hell. O:

The later maps get maybe a bit too hectic, and I feel like the playerspeed could be bumped up a notch or two to compensate, but it's stylish and garish-in-a-good-way... AND it's got editor configs. Oh dear.

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I would strongly suggest uploading a video in at least 720p, even if the game runs at a lower resolution than that. 360p is not nearly enough bandwidth for fast action video.

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Not quite as cute as Tigercake but I like it. Reminds me of Quake without music in some ways, I also really like how level geometry can occlude sound, immersive. Not even ZDoom can do that.

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I'll be honest, I was looking forward to your low-poly experiments in Quake more than this; simply because Doom is pretty much king of the 2.5D space and so much has been done with modding, whereas there's lots of room for improvement in the Quake formula.

Still, good job on getting this out there. :) Nice to see all your work finally come to fruition.

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From the video this looks hella fun!!

I think weapon animations would add more of that "timing your boomstick" feel from Doom.

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Oh man, this is so cool! It's the first time I saw something like that.

Having a blast right now, congrats.

On 12/12/2015 at 5:36 AM, Jaxxoon R said:

Reminds me of Quake without music in some ways, I also really like how level geometry can occlude sound, immersive. Not even ZDoom can do that.

True. I never thought it would be possible, but this game is atmospheric and arcadey at the same time. The vanilla 'fog-of-pixels' (with light diminishing) can be intimidating too.

Edited by Noiser

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This is very cool, I love the aesthetic, especially the sound effects. Unfortunately the chunky resolution gives me motion sickness so I won't be able to play it, but top effort all the same.

Is there an option or toggle for autorun? I'm surprised that walking is even a thing in this game given the fast pace of it.

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being a fan of old Bitmap Brothers games on the Amiga, the sixteen-colour palette is easily the most exciting part of this project to me. really promising stuff!

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mouldy said:

Is there an option or toggle for autorun? I'm surprised that walking is even a thing in this game given the fast pace of it.

Launch "Chocolate-setup" and check "always run" :)

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General Rainbow Bacon: Cool! Tell me how it goes. I hope the new editing features are just as easy to use as regular Doom features.

rdwpa: I was actually thinking of eventually adding some grime into all the textures. Maybe leave some clean for some really hightech places.

Xaser: And it may be possible to make a DEH to change it! But no configs for that (yet).

Linguica: Should have probably doubled the resolution yea, although I remember one time uploading a 1280x800 and youtube had the best quality as the blurry 360p or 480p. Should also make a profile for this at Mod/IndieDB, and upload the video there.. usually better quality there.

Jaxxoon R: I hope to someday continue TigerCake... the player character for it is my favorite model I've made... The sound occlusion is pretty useful for the ambient sounds, so they don't "bleed" so much outside their intended area, while still allow them to have large enough radius to fill a big area.

Phml: I kinda started this project because I hit a very difficult programming obstacle in the flight version of Blaze and wanted something else to do until I figure out what I want to do with Blaze. I had just got WinQuake to compile and started to experiment with improving the flight to allow full 6DOF movement.. but apparently that's something I don't know how to do at all. The regular fps looking around just is very noticeably limited in a more 3D engine.

VGA: I wanted to keep the weapon animation simple with just moving it up/down with offset and tilt the view. I think I'd have to model the weapons if I wanted to have any sort of complicated animations in them.

mouldy: I'll add the autorun option ingame. Plan is to move as much stuff as possible from the setup to the ingame options. And maybe I double the resolution, would fit the big areas better.. just I don't know how to scale the hud/menu graphics. Previous attempts at it made it crash or just render it sort of interlaced looking. Could also just prescale the graphics in the wad.. but that wouldn't work for the 320x200 gfx. The menu graphics could work unscaled and fit more stuff in them with the bigfont. The 320x200 gfx can be centered to the screen and borders filled with black.

Everyone else: Big thanks!

And about difficulty.. there are 5 skill settings. The easier skills make the enemies less aggressive and do less damage. It's no shame to have to play it on Baby or Rookie... Maybe I'll set the default skill to Rookie? Compared to Doom skills they're like this:

Baby = ITYTD/HNTR, 50% dmg
Rookie = HNTR/HMP, 66% dmg (possibly changes to 75%?)
Commando = UV, 100% dmg
Terminator = UV++, 150% dmg
Master = UVx2, 200% dmg

The two easiest skills also have no self damage from explosions.

You could also combine -fast with one of the easier skills to have aggressive monsters, but use the lowered damage settings.
None of the skills use respawning monsters, but the option still exist with the -respawn. The respawn should be compatible with the new specials that expect certain monsters to be destroyed before activating something.. the respawned monsters do not keep the specialtag stuff in them.

And for anyone who makes some maps, it's possible that the skill flags in the things get removed/changed to something else (probably change, so that it wouldn't be necessary to "reflag" the other flags). Possibly one of them could be a "Allow Respawn". The game skill setting probably automate how many times it can respawn.

I think I'll also make the DM maps to work in a "Survival mode" where monsters spawn in increasing numbers until player is completely overrun. That mode could also include the Scorebar graphic I made for SinglePlayer. The score makes more sense in that sort of mode than in some "Story mode".

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This is really well done!
I love how it takes little bits and pieces from several games and kind of smashes them together.
The aesthetics and spritework is great, even if some of the things in the distance do get a little muddy.
The combat feels incredible. Flying around and jumping over enemies is incredibly satisfying, but I do feel that the Double Barrel shotgun, and all the weapons for that matter, need more visible recoil in the sprite itself, and possibly a simple reload animation, with sounds of course, for the Double Barrel.
It really feels like it's own separate game, which is great.
I'd honestly pay for this, if it were up on Steam, or elsewhere.

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Jimi said:

maybe I double the resolution, would fit the big areas better.. just I don't know how to scale the hud/menu graphics. Previous attempts at it made it crash or just render it sort of interlaced looking. Could also just prescale the graphics in the wad.. but that wouldn't work for the 320x200 gfx. The menu graphics could work unscaled and fit more stuff in them with the bigfont. The 320x200 gfx can be centered to the screen and borders filled with black.

To be honest, i'd only mess around with that stuff if you feel like you'd prefer it that way, unless anyone else has a problem. I get more sick from fps games than most people I think.

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Oops... How strange, I'm pretty sure the game exe should fail to start the game if it was a PWAD?

Well, you can blame GZDB causing it to change, as it had made the .DBS file incompatible with DB1.. and as I was trying to figure out what was going on, I tried if DB1 could open the wad if it was a PWAD. I thought I changed it back after I realised it was the .DBS file.

Anyway, you can change the launch parameters in GZDB and remove this: -iwad "%WP"
or open the wad in a hex or text editor (notepad gets stuck trying to open) and change the header PWAD to IWAD.

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Jimi, I must say I absolutely love how this plays and the aesthetic reminds me of the Mega Drive at points. Any idea what will be within the next update?

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Fixes to the bugs described here now, some more enemies, maybe fill all the remaining weapon slots and have proper muzzle flashes, and the Survival mode to have some use for the DM levels in singleplayer game. Grab my earlier chat/console thing to allow cheats to be entered a bit easier. Maybe also try if I can make Quake like name system for animated textures/switches, and retry the Quake like water warp or do the animation with the textures if I fail at the water warp.

And probably some powerups, and some more options what to display in the first person view.. ability to not show anything for taking some camera like screenshots. Elevator and split door specials? Dormant and Respawn flags for enemies. Dormant enemies activate with some line special, while dormant, they're invulnerable and use some dark grey colors, or are inside some container/cocoon/pod.

Something like that I think.

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Looks like you have damaged them in their closets, and if non berserk monsters are damaged enough, they try to retreat. Maybe I'll add some missile block lines into those closets or a teleporter to the back side of the closets.

Meanwhile you could fire grenades or flames into the closets. You need to turn on the Mouse Look to do that. Stand somewhere at the distance you were in the save and then just fire the grenades. Repeat for the other closet.

I found a bug with the Mouse Look stuff and saves. Crash if the save didn't have Mouse Look on, when loading the game with Mouse Look on. Weird lookdir if done the other way, but no crash. Maybe kind of pointless to even try save it. Is only important saving it to the demo recording...

I could probably release some quick bug fix release some time soon?

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