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Any good jokewads?


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frithiof said:

Does anyone know of any good jokewads that have come out in the last couple of years?

MrtheJoshmon's Wooo and Wooo 2 wads are good for a few chuckles.

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scifista42 said:

Pirate Doom MAP46 (and the whole wad is generally light-hearted and awesome)

I'm playing this one now... it's pretty cool. :) (Did the author update it at some point? I remember it being a little rough around the edges when it was first released.)

The cannon kinda makes it feel like I'm playing Serious Sam at points, though.

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Pedro VC said:

It would be kinda cool if someone made a wad with a bunch of levels where the goal was to kill yourself in a whole bunch of different ways. Preferably in humiliating and degrading ways.

I'm not emo, but it is the logical extension of Do It.

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frithiof said:

It would be kinda cool if someone made a wad with a bunch of levels where the goal was to kill yourself in a whole bunch of different ways. Preferably in humiliating and degrading ways.

I'm not emo, but it is the logical extension of Do It.

I'm pretty sure there's a puzzle wad with this exact concept, where you have to overkill yourself just enough to trigger an alternate death scream and you have stuff like facepunching and a pistol aimed at yourself to do it, along with whatever else the level offers.

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nxGangrel said:

Okay, I always wanted to ask this question when I see similar images... WTF is doomguy holding in his right hand?

I'd say a cattle prod to go along with the suicide gun.

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There is also ROOM, a puzzle take on that selfie thing.

It's got 7 levels to beat yourself to a pulp before pulling the trigger.

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How Not To Be Seen
The Archives Are Doomed: Gold Edition!
It Only Gets Worse
Mock2: The Speed of Stupid

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Jaxxoon R said:

not for long

Wtf how has no one mentioned this

Keep your eyes peeled for DEEM 2, It looks genuinely awesome.

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If you're looking for something technically impressive I'd check out B4NM, it's pretty insane how quality that wad would be if you scraped off all the terry crap.

I'm also working on a little project myself called Pintos and Cheese, be on the lookout for that at some point.

I also personally quite like the Knee Deep in the Money series, you all should play the third one that just came out.

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Linkrulezall said:

If you're looking for something technically impressive I'd check out B4NM, it's pretty insane how quality that wad would be

That's a good joke actually.

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