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Freedoom 0.10 freeze?


On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Best, how would you rate Freedoom?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being Best, how would you rate Freedoom?

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So I noticed that in one the threads, someone mentioned something about Freedoom being feature frozen for 0.10.

I mean, this is all well and good, but...

Is there a deadline for getting things put in before it officially goes 0.10?

edit: I'm not sure if it has to do with "winter vacation" or what, but there seems to be a spike in activity at the moment.

edit2: And can we change the name for the SKAG 1337 at some point? It feels a little... (maybe call it something like a "Basilisk Gun", or something else equally ominous?)

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I do not see how a set of levels, sounds, and graphics can be "feature frozen". Most likely the term "frozen" is being used to prevent any massive changes and overhauls until after said version released. Usually it is used for a bug fixing period so while "frozen" they might not accept new maps and only fixes to existing ones for example.

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Who the hell voted 1?

frithiof said:

Is there a deadline for getting things put in before it officially goes 0.10?

According to Nick, it's already too late for the most part.

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Sodaholic said:

Who the hell voted 1?

Probably the people that got some of their assets removed from Freedoom.


VVVVV - I'm cool with that. People should be pleased with 0.10. But there seems to be a few people frantically trying to make maps for it before 0.10. It would be nice if 0.10 could be released without any obvious turds in the map part of things (that will also most likely have the side effect of seeing higher quality map submissions in the future).

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That was misworded. I just meant that we've recorded the demos and chungy is about to start doing the videos and screenshots for the new release, so any new stuff submitted beyond this point is probably not going to make it in before 0.10 is released.

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frithiof said:

VVVVV - I'm cool with that. People should be pleased with 0.10. But there seems to be a few people frantically trying to make maps for it before 0.10. It would be nice if 0.10 could be released without any obvious turds in the map part of things (that will also most likely have the side effect of seeing higher quality map submissions in the future).

The maps that were completed as of yesterday have gotten into 0.10. Chungy will have an announcement about maps after the release.

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Marnetmar said:

I thought this was a Brandon D. Lade thread at first.

For those of us who have absolutely no idea what you are talking about... can you please explain?

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frithiof said:

For those of us who have absolutely no idea what you are talking about... can you please explain?

He liked ratings a lot...

Too much even, it consumed him...

He wouldn't play anything under 5 stars...

He was lost to us...

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frithiof said:

For those of us who have absolutely no idea what you are talking about... can you please explain?

BDL is obsessed with ratings and people's opinion on various wads. He's the guy who complained that a wad he wanted to play had an average rating below 3.5 star (or whatever threshold it was) on the idgames database interface, so that he couldn't play it until it got upvoted enough. Also he stalked various people to ask them their opinion on such or such wad. He was losered several times, then got banned, then reregistered a lot and got banned for ban evading.

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mrthejoshmon said:

He liked ratings a lot...

Too much even, it consumed him...

He wouldn't play anything under 5 stars...

He was lost to us...

I guess it's a good thing that Freedoom got at least one 5 star rating, right?

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Doctor Nick said:

Cool, but I seriously think the SKAG needs to be renamed to something that doesn't have "1337" in its name.

Maybe instead of "SKAG 1337", we could just call it "Big Fucking Gun 1337"? ;)

And now to wait for Zandronum to accept 0.10 into the fold...

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Great! ^_^

I've noticed one thing though, the chaingun muzzle flash in this screenshot seems to be positioned between the two barrels. I guess it should be either covering both barrels, or just the one that is being fired from.

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MrFlibble said:

I've noticed one thing though, the chaingun muzzle flash in this screenshot seems to be positioned between the two barrels. I guess it should be either covering both barrels, or just the one that is being fired from.

Doom does that too. It's weird, but I don't think it's such a big deal.

I'd rather it not be lopsided since it would look even more awkward, nor do I want two flashes at once since only one bullet is coming out.

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Thanks for the slight map editing before releasing 0.10.

map09 was usually where I would just stop playing Freedoom and I'd load up a PWAD...

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Sodaholic said:

Doom does that too. It's weird, but I don't think it's such a big deal.

You're right, the original chaingun muzzle flash is similar in this respect. I never noticed that before.

Sodaholic said:

I'd rather it not be lopsided since it would look even more awkward, nor do I want two flashes at once since only one bullet is coming out.

Yeah, I also would not like that. I was thinking more along the lines of a larger flash that engulfs all barrels at once, although admittedly the smaller flash that is tied to the top barrel which is currently firing is more neat and more logical.

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Marnetmar said:

I thought this was a Brandon D. Lade thread at first.

I thought the same but wasn't going to say it, lest it be interpreted as an accusation :)

frithiof said:

map09 was usually where I would just stop playing Freedoom and I'd load up a PWAD...

On the other hand I don't think it was bad enough to warrant releasing 0.10 with an entirely empty mapslot. Especially not while several other IMO worse maps remain in the roster. Plus I had hoped Freedoom was past the days of releasing freedoom2.wad with empty slots. I suggest another map be chosen (say, another from Jenesis) and an 0.10.1 released soon.

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RjY said:

On the other hand I don't think it was bad enough to warrant releasing 0.10 with an entirely empty mapslot. Especially not while several other IMO worse maps remain in the roster. Plus I had hoped Freedoom was past the days of releasing freedoom2.wad with empty slots. I suggest another map be chosen (say, another from Jenesis) and an 0.10.1 released soon.

We discussed this and it was decided a long, unfun map that would make people stop playing the game was worse than no map at all. frithiof's comment confirms our thinking.

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Doctor Nick said:

We discussed this and it was decided a long, unfun map that would make people stop playing the game was worse than no map at all. frithiof's comment confirms our thinking.

Oh well I suppose with new maintainers comes new policy. When I still had commit access, I moved the existing map12 to map24 just so the slot wasn't empty. Even though I wanted to delete it. :)

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raymoohawk said:

wait new maintainers?

Heh not really, they just finally rescinded my commit access for inactivity. Ironically I've done more Freedoom work since that happened than in the entire previous year. I guess I work better when there's no pressure of responsibility, or something.

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