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Christmassy WADs


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What are your favourite Christmas themed maps or sprite/texture replacements?

Can anyone recommend some good ones I might not have played before? (I'll have played a lot of the older ones in the archive)

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TurboCharged Arcade 2 has a great christmas map, unfortunately it seems to be broken on newer versions of zdoom.

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i'm still fond of JudgeSpear's X-Mas Nightmare for GZDoom. a 10 or so level-replacement for Doom 2, with appropriate music, theming, sound-effects and even a custom story. unfortunately the mod never got fully finished, and 3 or so levels are just the original Doom 2 ones.

it got reposted in this thread. https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/64053-x-mas-nightmare-doom-2-2007/ the MP3 music pack is gone, but it doesn't really matter since they were just MP3 renders of most of the MIDIs in the mod.

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I do have a Christmassy type deathmatch map for up to 4 players, it's the snow version of Santo's House. Load up a Christmas tune and you're pretty much fit to frag on it.

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^ I'd say that's "just" winter/snow-themed rather than Christmas. But in fact I haven't played the map to the end, so I might have missed some reference.

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There are quite a few older ones laying about on the archive, a shame nobody really does those kinds of things anymore. Imagine a modern "conversion" or sorts with weapons, maps- some christmas'y themed story... It's doable!

...well maybe not so much now as Christmas is tomorrow but...YOU HAVE ALL YEAR FOR NEXT TIME! :D

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H2H-XMAS is the only one I've played, and I don't recommend it unless you want something really hardcore. Truth be told, I played it more out of historical curiosity than because of anything to do with Christmas. I don't really care for this kind of gimmick to be honest, I think it just detracts from the immersion.

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