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Into the Void - NOT DEAD!

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I had to dredge this up from page 5 of Wads and Mods: looks like there were a few limpets clinging to it. Icky little things.

Anyway, how's progress? I've been asking on the #abyssal IRC channel, but I understand that not all of you use IRC and I figured I should bump this again as a little reminder: I'd like to hope that this isn't dead in the water. Maybe post some ingame screenshots, DB screens, that sort of-

Eargh, missed one!

*Pulls out metal spatula*

But anyway, feel free to post your progress here: it'll help motivate others and make me feel like I'm actually achieving something in my life. Onward!

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Not to worry, the least productive doom mapper ever to the rescue!

(sorry you have to click, I'm stupid and have never learned how to directly embed images)

...Still a lot of work to do, but I finally found some time this weekend to get started(!). I also really hope this isn't dead either... I WILL finish this map sooner or later.

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  • 2 months later...

A hefty ass bump to tell you that the texture pack has been updated: just a few things here and there, nothing too heavy.

Don't forget to post your progress!

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Thank you very much Pinchy! I've popped your map in the OP. Also I should probably mention that mid year is fast approaching, so hopefully we can see some activity from other mappers soon.

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Progress has been made - this shot is months old - but I did hit a creative dead end, and I'm presently in no convenient position to finish this off - just at the moment, anyhow. I do want to get this done.

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  • 4 weeks later...


A somewhat important update: the deadline has been extended by a few months on account of me being not quite ready to throw myself back into higher education. Currently we stand at 2 maps, which is kinda disappointing. :/ Any progress?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Page 8 bump! Finally I've gotten around to my first MIDI for the project, intended to accompany Obsidian's map, but he hasn't been on IRC lately so whether it'll go there I don't know.

Descent of Madness (05:06)

A bit of an odd track, quite a few time signature changes which isn't something I've ever really done before, but I'm happy enough with it. Also I'm open to making more MIDIs for this project if they're needed :)

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Right, I'm dropping everything I claimed for this for now. Anyone can do whatever to my maps. Sorry!

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  • 5 months later...

Almost six months, good grief.

*Dusts off thread*

Yes, I'm reviving this project: I'm still convinced that the idea behind it is a fine one and at a guess I'd say that timing and circumstance more likely than not contributed to the lack of activity. I'm not gonna give up though! Submissions are still welcome and resources can be found in the OP. Make sure you read the rules!

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Also TheMionicDonut has declared that his maps are free to use. There's some good solid maps under his name, I'd recommend giving them a look if you're interested in contributing.

EDIT: Also Alfonzo!

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Hi, am I too late to re-register my interest in this project? I'd like to join in again (since I began working on something a while back but it never really got going). Also, consider my maps open to anyone who wants a go (I'd be surprised if anyone actually wanted to do one of mine, lol).

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Surreily said:

Hi, am I too late to re-register my interest in this project? I'd like to join in again (since I began working on something a while back but it never really got going). Also, consider my maps open to anyone who wants a go (I'd be surprised if anyone actually wanted to do one of mine, lol).

You're free to take another crack at things. I'll update the list to let people know your maps are free to use.

Also don't downplay yourself, you've produced some good stuff. :)

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